Quick duck build made out of 11 parts | give the duck a like

Haven’t posted on here in a long while, this is a super quick build I’ve made of a duck. Nothing too detailed neither complex, just thought it looks super cute so I decided to post it here : -)



:duck: :ice_cube:


Add 2 little hairs on its head and I’d pay a pretty penny for it


No. This one’s straight bald. :joy:


Just like me irl, so even better!

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This is one of the most wholesome things you could probably find on the internet image


Aw man. Thank you : -). That could be an elite pfp if I think about it. :thinking:


This could be wholesome meme if you think about it :thinking:

No seriously, you could try making those animals and maybe sell them to someone, obviously not there, but somewhere.


OMGGG you really took your time to do that, that’s amazing :joy: . Nah man this was just for fun, I don’t think anyone would buy this. Anyone can make it.


I like the small duck, it looks so cute :smiley:
I think if you manage to rig it and animate it with some scripting, you could make a friendly companion :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Anyway, Great job :+1:

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Thank you! I don’t really have knowledge in the animating field, this was mainly just a quick cute build!

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It took me seconds and its getting kinda off topic. I think its quite unique.
Have an awesome day. :wink:

Ok that’s worthy of an AWW.
Imagine rigging it with two seperate parts for the beak- :grinning:


This is my new Discord PFP. This is the most beautifal creation on planet earth.

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This is tottaly an epic moment.

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You being serious? Haha that’s much appreciated bro.

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This is so cute. I am inspired I want to go make something.

I’m sorry, but why are the eyes on the side of the head?
if you were in front view, it would just look like it had no eyes.
Wouldn’t they be in the front?

Predator vs prey. Prey tends to have eyes on the side of it’s head for all round vision so it can see what is about to eat it for dinner.

Obviously, nothing would eat a duck that cute. It would just give it a cuddle and move along, a little happier

Extremely cute. I love it in every way, I gave that duck a like.

Sir, this duck build is wrong.
This duck’s head is a cube, so it would be on the front of the eyes, like this:
Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 10.14.58 AM
or it would be on the sides AND fronts, like some real ducks.
Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 10.17.24 AM
(Sorry, this is a stock image)
Which is why, if it was a duck with a spherical shape for head, it would make sense to be on sides, because it would be on sides and fronts, but here, it just like, no eyes.