Hello everyone!
Please provide some feedback on my shop UI.
Here’s the UI:
It’s good but put more padding for the text in the big buttons.
What about the other sections of the shop?
It’s simply amazing, if you don’t make GUI often.
Well, first off, I love the little buttons to the side (Talking about the trails, deals, general buttons) however I don’t like the color scheme at all as well as the font, and please don’t take this the wrong way as I’m not trying to be mean .
The color is a massive let down from the initial black and white theme you were going with, I get the fact that combining colors that compliment each other looks cool Ex: purple, blue, light blue. However in my opinion a simple shade of light blue would make this look 100x better.
Something like this:
And for the text, experiment with new fonts and try better placement, think outside the standard stereotypical compact text to side.
Other than that you’re on the right track and best of luck!
Looks nice! The text could use some padding though (too close to the edges of the blue/purple boxes).
Plus, you seemed to mix FredokaOne with GothamBlack which doesn’t make much sense. I think you should stick to one font for titles.
I also think that the hover animation is way too dramatic, try using Enum.EasingStyle.Quart with a quicker response time and less of a size difference. The boxes with gradients should also have iconography (pictures to represent where they will bring you).
Also, try using UIAspectRatioConstraints to keep the size consistent across devices.
that’s dummy clean, you got a talent for ui designs.
all you need is just some padding for the text on the gradient frames and you’re set
Visually it’s pretty clean, but I’m not a fan of the fact that the options on the sidebar are the same as the ones on the Discover tab. If there aren’t any more options planned that could be placed in that tab, it may be a good idea to remove Discover altogether.
I agree with this as well. In my opinion, the Source Sans font that you use for the “Shop” text would look good for all of the text.
I really like how this looks, purple and turquoise are my favorite colors. But is it the same colors for each section of the shop (discover, deals, general, halos, trails), if it is, I think each section should have a special color for it so that not everything is the same.
Thank you for all the feedback given so far!
I will definitely take your feedback and try to make the best thing out of it. I already have an idea
As soon as I am done I will notify all of you about the new version.
Thank you for all the feedback and please provide some feedback if you haven’t done yet.