Hi! Thank you so much for the feedback, for he water, it has been se to a darker color, its transparency set to one also the reflectancy (thus the lighter color). And as for the tree trunks, they do have surface appearance present. Thank you for pointing these out. I reckon why the water and trunks look flat is because the forest was set to be so dense letting no light in. Most of those are shadows. I’ll look for a way for sunlight to be able to get to the ground without it making the players’ eyes hurt. Thank you!
Sorry, I meant that about the skybox. I am a modeler myself and have no use using the models from the toolbox but I am (like most) struggling graphics wise. This is a showcase of my modeling and lighting skills and in no way I’m going to try and make a profit out of it. Skyboxes aren’t that easy to make yourself I found tutorials on Youtube that taught how to make skyboxes of your own but alas, I lack equipment. I am pretty sure using skyboxes from the toolbox isn’t that big of a deal though.
I agree with this too. It is completely alright to use free models from the tool box because they are for free especially if you’re a beginner or someone who is not experienced with modeling or your trying to showcase something that isn’t about the models. As long as you don’t claim it as yours.
It should really depend on what the person is showcasing or what the purpose is. For example, I mentioned I’ll be using a skybox from the toolbox, that, for me is completely fine, since no one would be paying attention to the skybox. The main focus of my showcase are my models and the lighting. The skybox is only there to help the showcase pop out more. If I were to take a model and add it to my showcase and still have the context as “showcasing my modeling skills” then that would defeat the purpose. But at the end of the day, I never took anything from the toolbox and my skybox stays the same.
It maybe does defeat the purpose, but what I’m saying is that it is allowed to use. Not many people are as advanced in building and they can’t make everything themselves yet, and they just want an opinion.
OP says that all the assets were made by him. If he’s going to use assets from the toolbox he needs to say that because people are going to assume that he made everything.
Using a skybox from the toolbox is not a big deal. Many front page games have used it and most developers I meet have used them. It’s not like its a model he is using everywhere, its just a skybox.