Quick game / feature ideas

Does anyone have some quick and not to complex game and or feature ideas? I want something quick to kind of get my brain working for the game jam tomorrow and just for some good practice. Thanks!

You can make cars going back and forth. Your objective would be to to cross the road without getting hit by a truck or bus.


You could make something similar to Subway Surfers I haven’t really seen that concept applied in Roblox.

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An escape room game where you have to find all the gems to unlock to door before the time runs out and you die. The doors lead into the next room which is harder than the last and every five rooms there is a rest area where you can save your game.

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If you want to make a simplistic game
I think a good challenge would be an infinite game along the lines of crossy road
It would teach you concepts like

  • custom controls
  • infinite scrolling/chunk loading
  • organization and management (for the chunks hehe)
  • and have a bit of fun

also, take breaks when you have to. scripting is 90% thinking and 10% typing. I used to force myself and it was horrid

I just make diagrams on whatever paint app I have lolol, that surprisingly helps a lot

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