Quick question: Why does this only work for the first resume, I performed? I know I have to use coroutine.yield() but I don’t where I would use it. I’m sure it’s the while wait() loop that will restrict me from using yield()
local Interaction = coroutine.create(function(Frame, KeyText, ActionText, Action, Key, TaggedParts)
while wait() do
Frame.Visible = false
for _,item in pairs(TaggedParts) do
if (item.PrimaryPart.Position - humanoid.Position).magnitude <= 6 and mouse.Target == item.PrimaryPart then
Frame.Visible = true
ActionText.Text = Action
KeyText.Text = Key
coroutine.resume(Interaction, AboveHoverFrame, AboveKey, AboveAction, "Open", "E", Doors)
coroutine.resume(Interaction, BelowHoverFrame, BelowKey, BelowAction, "Dispose", "LMB", Disposables)
It perfectly shows the GUI, for the Doors. But the disposables isn’t working.