Quick Mailbox Model!

I made this mailbox model in about 10 minutes, tell me what you guys think of it!

Here it is:


Very good for a mailbox made from parts! The only thing is, I think the main piece of the flag should be a brick rather than a wedge. Normal flags are more rectangles than thin out facing outward, so a rectangle would be more accurate.


Looks ok. I dont really like the top though. it would look better if you used a cylinder instead of a bunch of squares.

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I agree. The top could be made out of a cylinder.

I think the top looks a bit weird, maybe try making it a cylinder. and negate the bottom via unions.

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Seems a bit bricky, and the edges pop out a bit, nice job otherwise.

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Thanks! I know that the blocks stick out a bit. I will add polish to it once I get the time.