Quick Open (Ctrl + P) crashes when attempting to open an open ScriptDocument

  1. Open a New Place file in Studio
  2. Insert a new Script
  3. Quick Open the Script
  4. Quick Open the Script again
  5. Crash

Expected behavior

If I attempt to quick open a document I’m currently editing, the widget should do nothing and go away if the document is currently visible. Or it should switch my view to the opened document.

This is problematic. If your Studio crashes and you open the Script Recovery window to recover your work, you cannot use the Quick Open functionality to re-open the document again without crashing, resulting in a never-ending loop of crashing.

This is happening to me as well but on scripts that have already been in studio for months now. This is seriously affecting my workflow. Sometimes when I use Ctrl + P to open scripts my entire studio crashes.


This should now be fixed after a Studio restart. Could you confirm if you can still repro this? Thanks!

I am fortunately unable to reproduce the behavior. Thank you!

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It is fixed, thank you so much!

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