Quick Open doesn't prioritize exact matches

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to open scripts by typing in the exact script name.


This case should always result in the exact match being the top result.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I’d be able to reliably open a script by typing in its name.


I normally dont use quick open, but yeah roblox should fix this.

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Another example today:

It happened again today and I realized that it’s prioritizing scripts that I already have open. In the first example, I had the LIVEOPS EDITING script open in another tab. In the second example, AdvancedMovementState was already open in another tab.

Whether or not already-open scripts should be prioritized is another question (personally if I’m using quick open, it’s because a script I need is not already open and available on my list of tabs) but they definitely shouldn’t be prioritized when their name does not match the search query.