I’m currently using Rojo and VSCode. However, sometimes I feel like adding a line or two that would fix a bug I found earlier or implement something quickly. Thus comes the question, would updating the code in VSCode then connecting it later to Roblox Studio via Rojo update the changes I made before in VSCode to the Roblox Studio?
Yep, as long as the plugin is connected and the script is saved
Even if it’s connected later?
- I got the fix out of nowhere in the middle of the day
- Launched VSCode, updated the fix, saved in VSCode, and bookmarked it to test it later
- Began my coding session and opened VSCode, connected Rojo and launched Roblox Studio.
Will the changes that were made in (2) be changed in the Roblox after connecting to Rojo later that day?
Yeah rojo will always try to update the saved script changes from vscode to roblox studio anytime it is connected,
If you want proof just try it yourself,:
- write some changes on vscode and save
- Look at the script in roblox studio
- Then connect rojo to studio,
Voila, the script in studio should change to fit the script in vscode
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