Quick Reload Help

Hey guys, I’m currently attempting to make a quick reload system within my gun framework. Basically, in a tense situation you can reload quickly by tapping “R” in under 0.4 seconds, yet if you’re in a calm-type situation you can reload normally by pressing the “R” keycode.

I’ve so far managed to add the quick reload feature but am confused on adding the secondary part which will see if it’s either double tapping or tapping a singular time.

Here’s my code:

local LastTick = tick();
local Debounce = false;
local Turning = false;

local MaxDoubleDuration = 0.2;
local DebounceDuration = 0.5;

		Index = "Reload";
		KeyCode = "R";
		UserInputType = nil;

		Execute = function(Toggle)
			if Toggle then
				if not Debounce then
					if tick() - LastTick <= MaxDoubleDuration then
						Debounce = true;
						Turning = true;
						Weapon:reload(Toggle, Turning);
					LastTick = tick();
				if Turning then
					Turning = false;
					Debounce = false;

most code is not included because it is irrevelant so yes when i click “R” it does function

firing a gun numerous times yet target not killed usally you would attempt to reload fast in this situation so you’d double tap R and a quickly reload animation would play

you fire the gun and kill the target yet out of ammunition so you press R a singular time and it shows a calm, more relaxed, reload animation

Just bumping this, if anyone could help please do.