[Quick Tutorial] Bank Interest system

Used to not really know how to calculate interest and then apply it to a number value which I know many people still don’t.

Just a quick tutorial I thought I would share as I used to never find really any good help/sources.

I am aware you could do BankCash / 100 for the interest but that didn’t exactly work out well for my application. I wanted to put this here as I know someone will mention it.


-- change this to whatever you're using for your game.
local BankCash = 20,000,000 -- remove commas. Theyre there to help assist with understanding

local function Calc_Interest(): number -- little bit of oop
   return math.floor(BankCash / (BankCash / 1) * 1) -- 20m = 200k = 1%

local function ApplyInterest()
   local Interest = Calc_Interest() -- returns a number
   BankCash += math.round( (BankCash / (Interest * 100 ) * Interest ) )

print(BankCash) -- old cash
print(BankCash) -- new cash

This also should work with any number like 10, 100, 1000, etc.

Hopefully this helps whom ever it may concern. Wrote this at 3:36 am so please do excuse me if it looks over complicated and what not. If I remember I will probably simplify it.


math.floor(BankCash / (BankCash / 1) * 1)

Why do you use /1 and *1?


Had some issues with it returning 0.5% and other ‘non-true’ percentage values. At least in my case :person_shrugging:

Reminder that 20_000_000 exists, and serves the same purpose than the commas you added there.


Your calculate interest function is always going to return 1. The multiplication, division, and floor are all pointless operations because the end result is essentially just doing cash / cash.

Diving and multiplying by 1 does nothing. Is that a typo?

local BankCash = 20e7 -- 7 zeros at ned
local BankCash = 20_000_000 -- should be valid syntax

Case specific I was doing other things. You can remove it if you want.