Quickhull - Any pseudo-code that can represent this?

In computational geometry, I’ve stumbled upon the term “Convex hull” a lot which is, in essence, an umbrella term for a bunch of algorithms that efficiently outlines a shape with a set of finite points (correct me if I am wrong).

One of these algorithms are named quickhull and I looked at its pseudo-code online but I couldn’t understand how I can convert it into Roblox-Lua.

Has anyone worked with something similar? If so, would it be possible for you to write some pseudo-code that is read-friendly for a coder that is only proficient in LUA? Assume that I am a 5-year-old since that is pretty much how dumb I feel I am.

This is not the quickhull algorithm, but rather Jarvis’s algorithm, ignore this if you only want quickhull.

This link has a good explanation of how it works and then code examples, I recommend reading the comments on the python3 example.

Sorry if this was not helpful, this is my first post on the dev forums and I am short on time.

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No no, this was what I was looking for :slight_smile: Thanks a lot for your help.