[R$ 100,000] Scripter Needed!

About Us

Hi there! We are Risum Games, a small upcoming game development team creating the next best soccer/football game. We’re looking for a scripter who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new game, RSA!

The Team

@Bylocks - UI Designer/ UI Scripter
@AwesomeCoding - Off-Site Scripter

Progress So Far

You can see our progress so far here


What We’re Looking For

We are looking for a professional scripter to join our team as a gameplay scripter. We expect high-quality scripts, meaning filtering enabled adapted. Good communication skills are appreciated via discord or twitter. We are a very social team and check progress almost daily.

About the Job

We are looking for a scripter that has advanced mathematics and physics understanding. You would be scripting the next level football/soccer ball. The current soccer balls on Roblox are not up to our standard, and hopefully yours too. Using tools to kick the ball just doesn’t cut it, keybinding is where it’s at now. For the more intense scripting, it would need to function smoothly and can be controlled easier. For more advanced information on the task contact me. I will be able to give you a more specific detail and understanding.


We are paying based on the amount completed, ranging from R$0 to R$100,000. Our preferred payment method is group payout.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at x.com or Discord Bylocks#7571

Thanks for reading! Can’t wait to hear back! :slight_smile: :soccer:

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