So, I’ve been working on a reload animation for my game. In game, I press “r” to reload.
I am unsure of how to reproduce, but it seems to happen quite frequently and is doesn’t seem to be related to the functioning of my keyboard, and is certainly not a result of my code.
Evidence used to conclude this:
A. My keyboard’s “R” button functions on notepad, ect even when broken in game.
B. Restarting studio without changing any code in-game fixes the problem temporarily.
C. The effect will never change no matter how many times I run the game once broken when using “Play solo”, but is fixed when using “Local server”. Which seems to point to that instance of studio being the thing breaking.
All other keys are still detected fine in game. I’m assuming that they could break as well though, considering that I am mostly using the R key atm it’s likely the catalyst. I wonder if holding a key down when ending a play solo session could possibly be the trigger, or something along those lines.
Edit- Seems as though keeping the animation editor open and focused on a humanoid when pressing play solo prevents the r key from being detected.
Yes, both of those cases are true, but I’m doubtful that the issue wouldn’t occur if I changed my key to another after a certain period of testing. I had to take a short break from development, I will get back if I have further information
Yeah, I would guess that it’s a clash with Studio’s “Rotate about Y axis while dragging” feature, and
maybe this should be posted in Studio Bugs - Developer Forum | Roblox
Ah, I thought I had put it into there initially. That would make sense to me, and considering I am editing the reload animation in between testing I wonder if there’s a correlation there.
Found a way to reproduce! Seems as though keeping the animation editor open when pressing “Play Solo” prevents studio from recognizing the R button, even though the editor is closed when testing. Strange. I am getting the keyboard input through the userinputservice if it matters.
I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved? We are having a hard time reproducing this issue.