(R$ or USD) Simple Icons Needed (Closed)

This position has been filled.

Hey there, I’m looking for someone to create 4 icons similar to the ones I’ve drafted up on this notecard.


  • Flat, black images
  • PNG file
  • 170x170 px

I’m not sure what the going rate for something like this is, so please make an offer. I’m willing to pay either robux or USD. We can discuss more either via DMs on here or on Discord @ ChaoticCody#0942.

This position has been filled.

If you’re just looking for simple icons like those you can look some up in www.flaticon.com. Im sure they’ll have those exact icons in there that you can download so you don’t have to pay anyone.


@PumpkinWhite Thanks! I found suitable icons.

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I also suggest Google Design


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