About Us
Hello! We are Team Picnic, an innovative development team working on an amazing simulator that will revolutionize Roblox!
Meet The Team
@SpiralRBX - Project Management, UI
@could_be_you- Scripter
@Veacian- Building, Modeling
About The Job
We are looking for an experienced scripter to script our simulator. We will provide images of our progress within DM’s.
You will be tasked with the following jobs. More jobs may apply.
- Shop
- Pets
- Inventory
- Extensive Datastores (backups, security)
- Leaderstats
- Tweens
- Fighting
And more.
We are paying through percentage. We do have an investment that we will disclose in personal DM’s.
You will be paid 25% of all game earning. You will also be paid R$ 10k via group funds.
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum. We will move to other chatting application later, but to prevent spam I will be taking all messages to @SpiralRBX On the DevForum.
You MUST be 13 or older to apply.
Best Regards,