Whenever I have any plastic/smoothplastic bodyparts they color with the shoulder/upperleg which is causing me to resort to sand.
It seems as if the humanoid has a built-in bodycolor thats causing me problems.
this is an example of the problem.
This has been bugging me quite a bit lately since there seems to be no easy fix without remaking the character or redo all animations etc.
Current fixes are:
using sand(looks ugly and requires a “fake head”), using r6 rig type(breaks tool gripping even with a right arm), renaming bodyparts(breaks animations and tool gripping).
If you haven’t got the rig plugin, you should! If you already have it then you should delete body-color (you can find it in the dummy) and just put colors on it yourself. (This should work from what I remember!)
Also I’ve already deleted the body color and that fixes the problem if you were using other materials but plastic/smoothplastic seem to have this built in.
Well i found a solution but it wasnt pretty. (EDIT: it actually worked out very well)
What i did to fix the problem was just simply make the rig an R6 then weld the “right arm” grip to the RightHand.
I had to make a torso similar to an humanoidrootpart and a “Right Arm” that was 1,1,1 studs big where the RightHand is.
After this make motor6ds: 1 in the humanoidrootpart named “Root Hip” link this to the “Torso”, 1 in the Torso named “Right Shoulder” link this to the “Right Arm” part.
After all of this you will want to go ahead and disable the motor for the “Right Arm” grip piece and weld it to the RightHand so it goes with the original animations.
NOTE: make sure the “Torso” is a part NOT a meshpart!