September 24, 2020, 8:47pm
The UV map on the right foot of the Man bundle is flipped, resulting in inconsistencies with the rest of the common bundles.
I have the same pants applied to both characters here, but the arrow on the RightFoot of the R15 Man points incorrectly.
The left and right side of it is also reversed, shown by the flipped letters.
This file has an example of the bug alongside regular rigs.
ManRightFootUVBug.rbxl (46.7 KB)
Man bundle:
Hah, we’ve had this problem and other similar issues while mapping our custom bodies too.
September 24, 2020, 9:25pm
Yes, I hope they fix the uv mapping issues because it also affects the left shoulder part of a shirt that you upload. I also made a similar post about it. UV Mapping issue on shirts for R6 blocky bundle (Specifically the left shoulder part of the shirt)
Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.
SAD! Still a problem and will probably remain a problem, despite being a 30 second fix at most. Much like every other issue with the models.
Hell, I’d go as far as list every issue as long if it’d get something fixed. the R15 models especially are very weird in some cases
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