Hello! so recently I started working on Chrythm’s RPG Kit v2.0 and wanted to switch over the mobs/npcs from using r6 to r15 as that would make detailing them much easier. They work normal such as attacking, following the player and ect but I have noticed that when the mob spawns into the world. The legs or lower half of that mob will clip into the ground. I have heard something about hipheight adjustments but I have no idea where to find that. If anyone could help me out and understand the problem that’ll be great! I’ll leave a link to the uncopylocked place where the kit is stored.
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Hip height is found in the humanoid, just click on the humanoid in the explorer and find hip height. Also it could be because of the spawning system it might spawn the NPCs too low
Thank you! I didn’t even think to check the humanoid but I had set it from 0 to 2 and that seems to fix it!
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