R15 not animating, camera not staying in focus

if self._instance:IsA("Player") then
    local function setCharacterToRunner()
        local character = self._instance.Character
        local newCharacter = ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("BaseModel"):Clone()
        newCharacter.HumanoidRootPart.Position = Vector3.new(character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
        newCharacter.Parent = game.Workspace
        self._instance.Character = newCharacter


I have this code to set the character’s model to a custom one. The custom model is a standard base r15 rig I got from Moon Animator. It works, except it doesn’t have the normal r15 animation, nor does it set the camera to focus on the player. It looks like this: 2021-07-18 23-30-16 How do I get back animation and camera functionality?

I figured out how to get animation back. I copied the animate script from an r15 and put it in replicated storage, then added some code that clones that script and puts it in the new character:

local animateScript = ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("Animate"):Clone()
        animateScript.Parent = newCharacter

Still need camera to get back in focus though.

make sure the camera’s focus is on the player, with Enum.CameraType.“Whatever your heart desires”

Also, the camera is in the workspace it’s called Camera but you with reference it by saying game .workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType"Should Show you a List of Type’s"