After some digging, I managed to find what you needed.
If you want zero-g to be in effect when you start to ragdoll, all you have to do is go into RagdollTestScript
Note: go into the script itself
In there under line 18 it will list the following: local ANTIGRAV_ENABLED = false
Change false to true and you’ll get your result! Further digging allowed me to find a local script named Gravity which I believe will affect of course, the gravity. Also note that another value that I think could possibly affect gravity is line 21 which can be found under the RagdollTestScript.
And also @8Iacc by default the model does not have zero-g turned on so just follow the steps above^ if you wish achieve the result that you’re looking for.
Go to line 32 under RagdollTestScript which will list the following: instance.Archivable = false
Change false to true and your character will be able to respawn normally without leaving a clone.
Hello, I’ve been using this and implemented it into a quick module so it is easier for me to call the ragdoll… I am assuming you cannot call the player to force ragdoll on server due to the humanoid changestate only replicating on one side which is either server or client and server, anyways. Is there any way to make a player ragdoll on server currently built in that I missed just so I don’t need to rewrite things and how would I make this work for an NPC, like a dummy. I know this only works for the clients and players so maybe it wasn’t intended. Oh well, let me know please if there was an answer to any of these questions.
I made a lot of edits, but none really to the main ragdolling system.
However, I seem to be running into the issue of the ragdolls of other players on the server, being really stiff. That client which is ragdolled, will have smooth collisions and smooth joints, however on the server the body seems to be very stiff.
Is there something crucial that I might’ve removed?
I think it’s better to ragdoll players by just adding the tag on their character instead of relying on HumanoidStates, and better to move all that (necessary) extra code from the sample code to inside the RagdollHandler
so I made a few changes:
changed it to take the character instead of the humanoid
made better use of tags and thus easier to apply and remove ragdoll
i.e. game:GetService(“CollectionService”):AddTag(game.Players.B_rcode.Character, “Ragdoll”)
if anyone is interested:
but lol it’s literally just made for my use; I don’t ragdoll from the client in my game; I do it from the server which replicates to the client. So, if your use-case is different (which is very likely), you’ll have to modify it further to meet your needs (perhaps create a ragdoll folder for every character that’s added so you can ragdoll from the client from the get-go)
Here’s my open source ragdoll concept which works and will be updated in future too! It’s for R15/Rthro also.
I hope this provides a solution for your query!
Been playing around with this for a while. There’s an issue with the ragdolls stuttering for everyone but the person who ragdolled. The fix to this:
1/ Go into RagdollHandler and go to line 46.
2/ make sure that hasRagdollOwnership(humanoid) == true
3/ Disable Ragdoll_Client
and it should fix the issue. @IISato this should fix your issue, im sorry if its super late