LINK TO PLUGIN: R15/6 Armor Rigger
Easily weld parts to a player automatically using this plugin.
It would always take me a long time to rig parts to a player, specifically R15. It was tedious constantly testing to make sure ever weld fit perfectly on the model and making slight adjustments. I made this plugin personally for myself to streamline this process.
How to use:
Insert an empty armor rig from the plugin, which consists of a model with accessories.
Position the model inside the armor you made as if it were to be a player humanoid.
Parent ever part to the corresponding accessory in the model the plugin inserted.
Once you’re done giving each part of your armor a parent, it should look something like this.
Set the settings you want and press begin to rig the armor.
Now you can equip the armor anyway you want in your game, I use :AddAccessory().