[$R20,000] [OPEN] Humanoid Rigger for a one time job

Humanoid Rigger
We need four of our humanoid models to be rigged properly and fit to do animations on. We need them to have the same animation capabilities as normal humanoids, as well as a convenient way to do a chomp animation with its mouth/jaw. As well, the head needs to be a skinned mesh. Each humanoid model is built structurally the same, so basically after one is complete, the rest can be done the same way.
A reference image including the model and the hierarchy of body parts is included in the reference below.


We are only paying in limiteds, 3 wistful winks (9.1K RAP and 11K value currently) for the completion of the rigs with all the requirements above.

Contact Us
For questions or more details, direct message me on the DevForums. To apply, send your portfolio through DM. Don’t be scared, we look at all portfolios and we don’t judge!


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