R6 Animation Not Playing

I am trying to load a walking animation onto a zombie while it is moving to a waypoint. The zombie moves to the waypoint fine, but the animation doesn’t load, and I am not getting any errors in the output. The zombie is an R6 character. I have searching on the DevForum, but have not found a solution to my problem.

local zombie = script.Parent

-- Animation ID for the walking animation
local walkingAnimationId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=183294396"

-- Check if the animation ID is not empty
if walkingAnimationId ~= "" then
	-- Load the walking animation
	local humanoid = zombie:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
	local animation = Instance.new("Animation")
	animation.AnimationId = walkingAnimationId
	local animationTrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)

	-- Set the desired walk speed
	local zombieWalkSpeed = 8

	-- Retrieve the position of the waypoint
	local waypointPosition = workspace.Waypoints.Waypoint1.Position

	-- Adjust the zombie's walk speed
	humanoid.WalkSpeed = zombieWalkSpeed

	-- Move the zombie to the waypoint
	print("Animation ID is empty. Please provide a valid animation ID.")

Just in case, here is a video of the zombie:

Add an animator into your humanoid and load the animation through that as loading animations through humanoid is deprecated, you can also try setting the animation priority higher.

I tried playing the animation through the editor, but the animation still wouldn’t play. Here is the updated script:

local zombie = script.Parent

-- Define the animation ID for the walking animation (replace with your animation ID)
local walkingAnimationId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=183294396"

-- Check if the animation ID is not empty
if walkingAnimationId ~= "" then
	-- Load the walking animation
	local humanoid = zombie:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
	local animator = humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator")

	-- Load the animation onto the humanoid's animator
	local animation = Instance.new("Animation")
	animation.AnimationId = walkingAnimationId

	-- Set the desired walk speed
	local zombieWalkSpeed = 8

	-- Retrieve the position of the waypoint
	local waypointPosition = workspace.Waypoints.Waypoint1.Position

	-- Adjust the zombie's walk speed
	humanoid.WalkSpeed = zombieWalkSpeed

	-- Move the zombie to the waypoint
	print("Animation ID is empty. Please provide a valid animation ID.")

Here is the model for the zombie, if that helps.

Did you rig the zombie model?

Is the animation looped?

I solved the problem. I found out that the model was actually an R15 blocky character. The reason the animation wasn’t working was because the animation ID was meant for an R6 character. I got an R15 animation, and it worked.

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