R6 Animation not really working properly

I got this issue like 2 days ago, and it didnt go away since.
So basically, when i try to animate an r6 rig i cant even select the torso or create keyframes, which is pretty important for animating. And for some reason everything works fine with r15 rigs.
I already tried restarting the animator, re-entering roblox studio, but none of what i tried to do worked.
I asked some people about the issue, and turns out im not the only one having it, and that the same issue happened even with some animating plugins
So… How do i fix it? Is that happening for everyone right now or just me?
Any help is greatly appreciated


the roblox built in animation editor is heavily outdated.

consider moving onto other plugins such as moon animator (which costs) or any other.

can you provide properties of the rig?


I’ve had this issue occur a few times before. Have you tried a new rig? This isn’t the be-all end-all solution, but its been a saving grace a few times.

EDIT: Hold up, experiencing this as well. This may be an engine bug.

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nothing special, literally just a normal r6 rig

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then youre off to switching animation plugins. i recommend moon animator. (costs tho)

it was a great switch. compared to the default animation editor, its heavily unoptimized and glitched. meanwhile moon animator has lots of features and processes well.

oh yeah if you cant buy the plugin heres a free version, the original plugin used to be free, now it costs 1.7k robux.

i installed the plugin but when i open it this pops out:

Hi there! Click the R6 model, look for primaryPart, and select the rig’s head. This should fix it. If not, then make the primaryPart the HumanoidRootPart.


thank you! tried it out and it works!

No problem! I had this same issue earlier today.

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oof, youre gonna need to buy the official plugin then, since free versions are outdated.

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