R6 Attack Combo Animation


Today I just made a cool R6 attack combo animation :smiley:
If you can please leave feedback, anything needs to improve and I’d appreciate it a lot :smiley:

This is the animation!

(Poor dog)

Thanks for your time :smiley: !


Looks great! One thing I would change is after the attack is complete, the character should be back to it’s original stand, so it would look a bit better.

feels lazy lol, but I will change it if I make it for a game

Yeah, the animation would look good in a game so you should maybe finish off the animation.

Can you remove the dog? I’m having a hard Time seeing the animation clearly.

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alright next time I won’t do that, cuz it’s an accessory so I just let it like that.
btw thanks!

Nice animation! :+1:
The dog getting dragged around like that though. :joy:

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