R6 floating animaition problem

Greatngs there so i was working on the zombie craw animaition, then i run it, somehow the zombie is floating:

i thing it’s someting to do whit the Roblox default animator edditor grids so how i can make Humanoid closer to the grid while the grids stay at the same place?

If it’s someting else tell me


I think you can just move the torso closer to the grid.

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Could be the hip height number in the humanoid is too high.

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use the move tool to move the lower torso closer to the grid in the animation editor

Greatings there, who came here to help me, i fixed it, well there’s the same problem like was on the animaition grid, but then it was executed it runs compleatly normal, so thanks who gave some tips, and sorry that i responde quiet late

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