R6 Footplanting


I recently stumbled upon a game called “cowboy game” and I want to replicate the leg movement as seen in this video:

I suspect it uses either tweening or IKControls but I want see how to replicate it.


Looks like a custom character controller. Definitely not tweening.

You don’t need to program a custom character controller if you just want procedural movement.

One method would be to fire rays from the foot to find where the next footstep is. Then IK to the point.

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Ill try that, but doesnt IK not work on R6?

Not sure, but you might have to delete the default “Animate” script from the character. Then just apply the motor6d transformations from your IK calculations.

I tried this script, and the players legs just stand still (I deleting the “Animate” script fyi)

local PLS = game:GetService("Players")
local RS = game:GetService("RunService")

local distance = 2.5
local height = 25
local speed = 5

local function findPos(origin)
	local ray = Ray.new(origin, Vector3.new(0, -5, 0))
	local part, position = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray)
	return part and position or origin + Vector3.new(0, -5, 0)

local function walk(char)
	local hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

	local rootPart = char.humRootPart
	local rightLeg = char["Right Leg"]
	local leftLeg = char["Left Leg"]
	local rightHip = char.Torso["Right Hip"]
	local leftHip = char.Torso["Left Hip"]

	local cycle = 0

		if hum.MoveDirection.Magnitude > 0 then
			cycle = (cycle + deltaTime * SPEED_FACTOR) % (2 * math.pi)

			local rightOffsetZ = math.sin(cycle) * STEP_DISTANCE
			local leftOffsetZ = math.sin(cycle + math.pi) * STEP_DISTANCE

			local rightOffsetY = math.abs(math.sin(cycle)) * STEP_HEIGHT
			local leftOffsetY = math.abs(math.sin(cycle + math.pi)) * STEP_HEIGHT

			--find the position to move the legs to
			local rightPos = findPos(rightLeg.Position)
			local leftPos = findPos(leftLeg.Position)
			local rightTarget = rootPart.CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(rightPos + Vector3.new(0, rightOffsetY, rightOffsetZ))
			local leftTarget = rootPart.CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(leftPos + Vector3.new(0, leftOffsetY, leftOffsetZ))

			--move to
			rightHip.Transform = CFrame.new(rightTarget)
			leftHip.Transform = CFrame.new(leftTarget)
			rightHip.Transform = CFrame.new()
			leftHip.Transform = CFrame.new()


Try checking this out

I used this module once, tho for a different purpose.
Works pretty well
I never tried making that leg movement.

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I already tried that, and the result didn’t feel like walking, more like stuttering

try adjusting the interpolation period, or reducing the step distance

I created a system to use IKControls and with raycasting, but I dont have the script rn (im on my phone), but it needs a little optimization