R6 HumanoidDescription bug

I’ve loaded the humanoid description of my user id to an r6 rig, and some of the accessories aren’t in the right places.

is this a studio bug or is there a better way to fix this?


Cant you take the accessories 1 by 1 and position them correctly?

Or you could use moon animator, or other plugins for maybe better results?

i mean, not really since it auto-loads their character onto a rig when they enter the game

Oops I read that wrong

Did you update your avatar recently?

i have not.

if it helps, this code is run upon player entry:

    local rig = workspace.Character
    local hd = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.UserId)

I guess it is a studio bug, I think I have the same problem loading my avatar from AlreadyPros plugin

Might be an issue with the rig, what rig are you using?

just a normal r6 rig with a modified root joint.