I would want this to only be the walking animation but when doing an attack, and playing my animation for the attack it doesnt work, do i have to temporarly dissable the ikpf script for it to play my animations?
how did you make it like this?? i wanna replicate this for my game
Inside ProceduralAnimator Module replace the function
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:MoveLegs(stepCycle,dt)
--if moving
for _, Leg in pairs(self.Legs) do
local strideCF2 = Leg.StrideCF or self.DefaultStrideCF
local strideOffset2 = Leg.StrideOffset or self.DefaultStrideOffset
local raycastParams2 = self.RaycastParams
Leg.CurrentCycle = (Leg.CurrentCycle+stepCycle)%360
local cycle2 = Leg.CurrentCycle
local IKTolerance2 = Leg.IKTolerance or 0
local hip2 =Leg.HipAttachment.WorldPosition
--Position of where the lower leg should be, spread out
local ground2 =Leg.FootAttachment.WorldPosition
local desiredPos2 =(CF(ground2, ground2+self.MovementDirectionXZ)*ANGLES(-cycle2, 0, 0)*strideCF2).p
local futurePos1 =(CF(ground2, ground2+self.MovementDirectionXZ)*ANGLES(-(cycle2 + 0.7), 0, 0)*strideCF2).p
local offset2 =(desiredPos2-hip2)--vector from hip to the circle
local foffset =(futurePos1-hip2)--vector from hip to the circle
local highlightedfuture = (hip2 + foffset.unit*(foffset.magnitude+strideOffset2))
local raycastResult2 = workspace:Raycast(hip2,offset2.unit*(offset2.magnitude+strideOffset2),raycastParams2)
local footPos2 = raycastResult2 and raycastResult2.Position or (hip2 + offset2.unit*(offset2.magnitude+strideOffset2))
if self.rootVelocityMagnitude > 0.1 then
--Do IK towards foot pos
--Iterating once won't fully track the footPos, needs to iterate until
--[[local HighLight = Instance.new("Part", workspace)
HighLight.Name = "Highlight"
HighLight.Position = footPos2
HighLight.CanCollide = false
HighLight.Size = Vector3.new(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
HighLight.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
HighLight.CanTouch = false
HighLight.CanQuery = false
HighLight.Anchored = true
local HighLighter = Instance.new("Highlight", HighLight)
HighLighter.FillColor = Color3.new(1, 0, 0.0156863)
HighLighter.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop
if not Leg.TouchGround and raycastResult2 then
if raycastResult2 then -- hit ground so raycast result
Leg.TouchGround = true
Leg.TouchGround = false
else --stand still
local strideCF = Leg.StrideCF or self.DefaultStrideCF
local strideOffset = Leg.StrideOffset or self.DefaultStrideOffset
local raycastParams = self.RaycastParams
local IKTolerance = Leg.IKTolerance or 0
local hip =Leg.HipAttachment.WorldPosition
--Position of where the lower leg should be, spread out
local desiredPos =Leg.FootAttachment.WorldPosition
local offset =(desiredPos-hip)--vector from hip to the circle
local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(hip,offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+strideOffset),raycastParams)
local footPos = raycastResult and raycastResult.Position or (hip + offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+strideOffset))
--[[local HighLight2 = Instance.new("Part", workspace)
HighLight2.Name = "Highlight"
HighLight2.Position = footPos2
HighLight2.CanCollide = false
HighLight2.Size = Vector3.new(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
HighLight2.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
HighLight2.CanTouch = false
HighLight2.CanQuery = false
HighLight2.Anchored = true
local HighLighter = Instance.new("Highlight", HighLight2)
HighLighter.FillColor = Color3.new(1, 0, 0.0156863)
HighLighter.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop
local HighLight = Instance.new("Part", workspace)
HighLight.Name = "Highlight"
HighLight.Position = Vector3.new(footPos2.X, footPos.Y, footPos2.Z)
HighLight.CanCollide = false
HighLight.Size = Vector3.new(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
HighLight.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
HighLight.CanTouch = false
HighLight.CanQuery = false
HighLight.Anchored = true
local HighLighter = Instance.new("Highlight", HighLight)
HighLighter.FillColor = Color3.new(0.733333, 1, 0)
HighLighter.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop
--Leg.CCDIKController:CCDIKIterateOnce(Vector3.new(desiredPos2.X, desiredPos.Y + desiredPos2.Y,desiredPos2.Z),IKTolerance)
Vector3.new(footPos2.X, footPos.Y, footPos2.Z)
if not Leg.TouchGround and raycastResult then
if raycastResult then -- hit ground so raycast result
Leg.TouchGround = true
Leg.TouchGround = false
its the sway also you need to red the notes in the script its quite usefull
Help my tiny little brain can’t figure out how to use the script I can get to the part to use iterate once setup foot those things but the values it wants me to put in their just confuse me. I tried going to the tutorial but the link doesn’t work am I just dumb is this easy to setup
Yep, it only takes one line to replace the IK portion of the script in the quote above :CCDIKIterateUntil.
Just be aware of the changes made to the R6 leg to make it 2 limbs instead of 1 for that animation effect.
im very late but after a little bit of tweaking i figured it out so what you need to do
inside the procedural animator module copy this code its the whole script
– Procedural Animator Class
– Dthecoolest
– November 20, 2020
local RunService = game:GetService(“RunService”)
local ProceduralAnimatorClass = {}
ProceduralAnimatorClass.__index = ProceduralAnimatorClass
–Module to handle the procedural animation the hip and legs
–remnants from iGottics Code
local CF =CFrame.new
local ANGLES =CFrame.Angles
local x_and_y = Vector3.new(1, 0, 1)
local TAU = 2math.pi
local DOWN = 10Vector3.new(0,-1,0)
–template for legs
– local mechLegs = {
– [“rightLeg”] = {
– [“CurrentCycle”] = 0,
– [“LimbChain”] = rightLegChain,
– [“HipAttachment”]= rightHipAttachment,
– [“FootAttachment”] = rightStepAttachment,
– },
– [“leftLeg”] = {
– [“CurrentCycle”] = math.pi,
– [“LimbChain”] =leftLegChain,
– [“CCDIKController”] =leftLegChain,
– [“HipAttachment”]= leftHipAttachment,
– [“FootAttachment”] = leftStepAttachment,
– }
– }
local Signal = require(script.Parent.Signal)
function ProceduralAnimatorClass.new(RootPart,Legs,RootMotor,raycastParams)
local self = setmetatable({}, ProceduralAnimatorClass)
self.RootPart = RootPart
self.RaycastParams = raycastParams --manual input it
if RootMotor then
self.RootMotor = RootMotor
self.RootMotorC1Store = RootMotor.C1
self.WaistCycle = 0
self.Legs = Legs
--Default settings for legs
self.DefaultStride = 2 -- Changes how far the legs move
self.CycleSpeed = 15 -- How fast the leg-movement cycle is. Change this to suit your needs!
self.DefaultStrideOffset = 0
-- Radius of the circle at CFrame front of the player
self.DefaultStrideCF = CFrame.new(0, 0, -self.DefaultStride / 2) -- Turn that stride number into a CFrame we can use
--Variables that will change
self.MovementDirectionXZ = Vector3.new(1, 0, 1) -- This will be changed
self.rootvelm = 0
self.FootStep = Signal.new();
self.MaxSpeed = 20
self.EngineSound = nil;
self.FootStepSound = nil;
self.RandomNumGenerator = Random.new()
--debug the signal, works
-- print("Step")
self.WalkBounce = 0.4 -- factor by which it bounces
self.SwayX = -1*5 -- factor in Z direction front or behind, currently set to tilt forward
return self
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:MoveLegs(stepCycle,dt)
–if moving
if self.rootVelocityMagnitude > 0.1 then
for _, Leg in pairs(self.Legs) do
local strideCF = Leg.StrideCF or self.DefaultStrideCF
local strideOffset = Leg.StrideOffset or self.DefaultStrideOffset
local raycastParams = self.RaycastParams
Leg.CurrentCycle = (Leg.CurrentCycle+stepCycle)%360
local cycle = Leg.CurrentCycle
local IKTolerance = Leg.IKTolerance or 0
local hip =Leg.HipAttachment.WorldPosition
--Position of where the lower leg should be, spread out
local ground =Leg.FootAttachment.WorldPosition
local desiredPos =(CF(ground, ground+self.MovementDirectionXZ)*ANGLES(-cycle, 0, 0)*strideCF).p
local offset =(desiredPos-hip)--vector from hip to the circle
local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(hip,offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+strideOffset),raycastParams)
local footPos = raycastResult and raycastResult.Position or (hip + offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+strideOffset))
--debug foot pos position
--local part = Instance.new("Part")
--part.CanCollide = false
--part.CanTouch = false
--part.BrickColor = BrickColor.Red()
--part.Anchored = true
--part.CanQuery = false
--part.Size = Vector3.new(0.1,0.1,0.1)
--part.Position = footPos
--part.Parent = workspace
--Do IK towards foot pos
--Iterating once won't fully track the footPos, needs to iterate until
if not Leg.TouchGround and raycastResult then
if raycastResult then -- hit ground so raycast result
Leg.TouchGround = true
Leg.TouchGround = false
else--stand still
for _, Leg in pairs(self.Legs) do
local strideCF = Leg.StrideCF or self.DefaultStrideCF
local strideOffset = Leg.StrideOffset or self.DefaultStrideOffset
local raycastParams = self.RaycastParams
local IKTolerance = Leg.IKTolerance or 0
local hip =Leg.HipAttachment.WorldPosition
--Position of where the lower leg should be, spread out
local desiredPos =Leg.FootAttachment.WorldPosition+DOWN
local offset =(desiredPos-hip)--vector from hip to the circle
local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(hip,offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+strideOffset),raycastParams)
local footPos = raycastResult and raycastResult.Position or (hip + offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+strideOffset))
--Do IK towards foot pos
if not Leg.TouchGround and raycastResult then
if raycastResult then -- hit ground so raycast result
Leg.TouchGround = true
Leg.TouchGround = false
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:MoveTorso(stepCycle,dt10,rootVelocity)
local lowercf = self.RootPart.CFrame
local waistjoint = self.RootMotor
local waist1 = self.RootMotorC1Store
local rootvel = rootVelocity
if self.rootVelocityMagnitude > 0.1 then
self.WaistCycle = (self.WaistCycle+stepCycle)%360
local relv0 = lowercf:vectorToObjectSpace(rootvel)
local relv1 = relv0*0.2
do -- Upper Torso
local bounceCFrame = CFrame.new(0,self.WalkBounce*math.cos((self.WaistCycle+2+1)*0.02),0)
local sway = math.rad(-relv1.X)+0.08*math.cos(self.WaistCycle+0.05)
local swayY = 0.06*math.cos(self.WaistCycle)-0.1*math.rad(relv1.X)
local swayX = math.rad(relv1.Z)*0.5*self.SwayX
local goalCF = bounceCFrame*waist1*ANGLES(swayX,swayY,sway):inverse()
-- goalCF *= CFrame.new(0,math.cos((self.WaistCycle+90+45)*2),0)-- Up and down
--goalCF *= CFrame.new(0,self.WalkBounce*math.cos((self.WaistCycle+90+45)*2),0)-- Up and down
--local rotationOnly = goalCF-goalCF.Position
waistjoint.C1 = waistjoint.C1:Lerp(goalCF,dt10)
--when not moving go back to original position
local goalCF = waistjoint.C1:Lerp(waist1, dt10)
--local rotationOnly = goalCF-goalCF.Position
waistjoint.C1 = goalCF
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:Animate(dt)
if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”).FloorMaterial ~= Enum.Material.Air then
– Begin the step-------
local dt10 = math.min(dt*10, 1) – Normalize dt for our needs
local rootpart = self.RootPart
local rootvel0 = rootpart.Velocity -- Our movement velocity
local rootVelocity = rootvel0 * x_and_y --XY plane velocity only
local rootVelocityMagnitude = rootVelocity.Magnitude --root velocity magnitude
self.rootVelocityMagnitude = rootVelocityMagnitude
if self.EngineSound then
self.EngineSound.PlaybackSpeed = (rootVelocityMagnitude / self.MaxSpeed) + 0.6
--if moving then lerp current direction
if rootVelocityMagnitude > 0.1 then
--lerp current direction towards curren velocity
self.MovementDirectionXZ = self.MovementDirectionXZ:Lerp(rootVelocity.unit, dt10)
local relativizeToHumanoidSpeed = rootVelocityMagnitude/16 --default walk speed is 16
local stepCycle = relativizeToHumanoidSpeed*dt*self.CycleSpeed
if self.RootMotor then
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:ConnectFootStepSound(sound : Sound)
local soundPositionAttachment = Instance.new(“Attachment”)
soundPositionAttachment.WorldPosition = raycastResult.Position
soundPositionAttachment.Parent = workspace.Terrain
local footStepSound = sound:Clone()
local randomPlaybackSpeed = self.RandomNumGenerator:NextNumber(0.7,1)
footStepSound.PlaybackSpeed = randomPlaybackSpeed
local reverbEffect = Instance.new("ReverbSoundEffect")
reverbEffect.Density = 0.8
reverbEffect.DecayTime = 1
reverbEffect.Parent = footStepSound
footStepSound.PlayOnRemove = true
footStepSound.Parent = soundPositionAttachment
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:StartEngineSound(sound : Sound)
local engineSound = sound:Clone()
engineSound.Parent = self.RootPart
engineSound.Looped = true
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:InitDragDebug()
for _, Leg in pairs(self.Legs) do
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:Destroy()
if self.FootStep then
self = nil
return ProceduralAnimatorClass
So if i try to animate them what will happen?
Trying to make kicking animations.
If this will do nothing(Pretty sure it will do nothing)
then how would I do this?
I downloaded this and did the command game:SetUniverseId(1818) so my offline experience would have R6 enabled. Placed it in StarterPlayerScripts because it was a LocalScript with a few modules.
This picture is the server-sided picture. Now as described, it creates 4 motor6d and 2 parts to set up a fake joint and then disables the old motor6ds. I do not know why they decided to do this in the first place.
Some basic behavior of motor6ds is that only the .Transform property is replicated from client to server (for animation purposes). So basically you have an unreplicated client implementation here. Also Roblox’s animation player uses the .Transform property as well.
Additionally, a more practical approach would be to use the .Transform property of the existing joint, and to create a boolean value inside of Humanoid to disable the IK animation temporarily so normal animations can be played. I believe this could be done if you simply record the properties (as in C0, C1, Transform) of the 4 motor6ds you created as variables. That way there are no new joints or parts. To get the resulting .Transform for the existing joint, perform a CFrame calculation.
I believe this would be more practical because instead of performing 20 character calculations on the server or 20 character calculations on each client, each client would perform 1 character’s calculation and replicate normally, and allow for animations.
I tried multiplayer and when a player resets the other player’s legs go crazy anyone knows how to fix this?
Thank you! This works.
Here’s a better formatted post that makes it easier to copy and paste for anyone interested:
--Procedural Animator Class
--November 20, 2020
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
--Module to handle the procedural animation the hip and legs
--remnants from iGottics Code
local ProceduralAnimatorClass = {}
ProceduralAnimatorClass.__index = ProceduralAnimatorClass
local CF =CFrame.new
local ANGLES =CFrame.Angles
local x_and_y = Vector3.new(1, 0, 1)
local TAU = 2*math.pi
local DOWN = 10*Vector3.new(0,-1,0)
--template for legs
--local mechLegs = {
--[“rightLeg”] = {
--[“CurrentCycle”] = 0,
--[“LimbChain”] = rightLegChain,
--[“HipAttachment”]= rightHipAttachment,
--[“FootAttachment”] = rightStepAttachment,
--[“leftLeg”] = {
--[“CurrentCycle”] = math.pi,
--[“LimbChain”] =leftLegChain,
--[“CCDIKController”] =leftLegChain,
--[“HipAttachment”]= leftHipAttachment,
--[“FootAttachment”] = leftStepAttachment,
local Signal = require(script.Parent.Signal)
function ProceduralAnimatorClass.new(RootPart,Legs,RootMotor,raycastParams)
local self = setmetatable({}, ProceduralAnimatorClass)
self.RootPart = RootPart
self.RaycastParams = raycastParams --manual input it
if RootMotor then
self.RootMotor = RootMotor
self.RootMotorC1Store = RootMotor.C1
self.WaistCycle = 0
self.Legs = Legs
--Default settings for legs
self.DefaultStride = 2 -- Changes how far the legs move
self.CycleSpeed = 15 -- How fast the leg-movement cycle is. Change this to suit your needs!
self.DefaultStrideOffset = 0
-- Radius of the circle at CFrame front of the player
self.DefaultStrideCF = CFrame.new(0, 0, -self.DefaultStride / 2) -- Turn that stride number into a CFrame we can use
--Variables that will change
self.MovementDirectionXZ = Vector3.new(1, 0, 1) -- This will be changed
self.rootvelm = 0
self.FootStep = Signal.new();
self.MaxSpeed = 20
self.EngineSound = nil;
self.FootStepSound = nil;
self.RandomNumGenerator = Random.new()
--debug the signal, works
-- print("Step")
self.WalkBounce = 0.4 -- factor by which it bounces
self.SwayX = -1*5 -- factor in Z direction front or behind, currently set to tilt forward
return self
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:MoveLegs(stepCycle,dt)
--if moving
if self.rootVelocityMagnitude > 0.1 then
for _, Leg in pairs(self.Legs) do
local strideCF = Leg.StrideCF or self.DefaultStrideCF
local strideOffset = Leg.StrideOffset or self.DefaultStrideOffset
local raycastParams = self.RaycastParams
Leg.CurrentCycle = (Leg.CurrentCycle+stepCycle)%360
local cycle = Leg.CurrentCycle
local IKTolerance = Leg.IKTolerance or 0
local hip =Leg.HipAttachment.WorldPosition
--Position of where the lower leg should be, spread out
local ground =Leg.FootAttachment.WorldPosition
local desiredPos =(CF(ground, ground+self.MovementDirectionXZ)*ANGLES(-cycle, 0, 0)*strideCF).p
local offset =(desiredPos-hip)--vector from hip to the circle
local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(hip,offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+strideOffset),raycastParams)
local footPos = raycastResult and raycastResult.Position or (hip + offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+strideOffset))
--debug foot pos position
--local part = Instance.new("Part")
--part.CanCollide = false
--part.CanTouch = false
--part.BrickColor = BrickColor.Red()
--part.Anchored = true
--part.CanQuery = false
--part.Size = Vector3.new(0.1,0.1,0.1)
--part.Position = footPos
--part.Parent = workspace
--Do IK towards foot pos
--Iterating once won't fully track the footPos, needs to iterate until
if not Leg.TouchGround and raycastResult then
if raycastResult then -- hit ground so raycast result
Leg.TouchGround = true
Leg.TouchGround = false
else--stand still
for _, Leg in pairs(self.Legs) do
local strideCF = Leg.StrideCF or self.DefaultStrideCF
local strideOffset = Leg.StrideOffset or self.DefaultStrideOffset
local raycastParams = self.RaycastParams
local IKTolerance = Leg.IKTolerance or 0
local hip =Leg.HipAttachment.WorldPosition
--Position of where the lower leg should be, spread out
local desiredPos =Leg.FootAttachment.WorldPosition+DOWN
local offset =(desiredPos-hip)--vector from hip to the circle
local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(hip,offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+strideOffset),raycastParams)
local footPos = raycastResult and raycastResult.Position or (hip + offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+strideOffset))
--Do IK towards foot pos
if not Leg.TouchGround and raycastResult then
if raycastResult then -- hit ground so raycast result
Leg.TouchGround = true
Leg.TouchGround = false
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:MoveTorso(stepCycle,dt10,rootVelocity)
local lowercf = self.RootPart.CFrame
local waistjoint = self.RootMotor
local waist1 = self.RootMotorC1Store
local rootvel = rootVelocity
if self.rootVelocityMagnitude > 0.1 then
self.WaistCycle = (self.WaistCycle+stepCycle)%360
local relv0 = lowercf:vectorToObjectSpace(rootvel)
local relv1 = relv0*0.2
do -- Upper Torso
local bounceCFrame = CFrame.new(0,self.WalkBounce*math.cos((self.WaistCycle+2+1)*0.02),0)
local sway = math.rad(-relv1.X)+0.08*math.cos(self.WaistCycle+0.05)
local swayY = 0.06*math.cos(self.WaistCycle)-0.1*math.rad(relv1.X)
local swayX = math.rad(relv1.Z)*0.5*self.SwayX
local goalCF = bounceCFrame*waist1*ANGLES(swayX,swayY,sway):inverse()
-- goalCF *= CFrame.new(0,math.cos((self.WaistCycle+90+45)*2),0)-- Up and down
--goalCF *= CFrame.new(0,self.WalkBounce*math.cos((self.WaistCycle+90+45)*2),0)-- Up and down
--local rotationOnly = goalCF-goalCF.Position
waistjoint.C1 = waistjoint.C1:Lerp(goalCF,dt10)
--when not moving go back to original position
local goalCF = waistjoint.C1:Lerp(waist1, dt10)
--local rotationOnly = goalCF-goalCF.Position
waistjoint.C1 = goalCF
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:Animate(dt)
if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").FloorMaterial ~= Enum.Material.Air then
--Begin the step
local dt10 = math.min(dt*10, 1)
local rootpart = self.RootPart
local rootvel0 = rootpart.Velocity -- Our movement velocity
local rootVelocity = rootvel0 * x_and_y --XY plane velocity only
local rootVelocityMagnitude = rootVelocity.Magnitude --root velocity magnitude
self.rootVelocityMagnitude = rootVelocityMagnitude
if self.EngineSound then
self.EngineSound.PlaybackSpeed = (rootVelocityMagnitude / self.MaxSpeed) + 0.6
--if moving then lerp current direction
if rootVelocityMagnitude > 0.1 then
--lerp current direction towards curren velocity
self.MovementDirectionXZ = self.MovementDirectionXZ:Lerp(rootVelocity.unit, dt10)
local relativizeToHumanoidSpeed = rootVelocityMagnitude/16 --default walk speed is 16
local stepCycle = relativizeToHumanoidSpeed*dt*self.CycleSpeed
if self.RootMotor then
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:ConnectFootStepSound(sound : Sound)
local soundPositionAttachment = Instance.new("Attachment")
soundPositionAttachment.WorldPosition = raycastResult.Position
soundPositionAttachment.Parent = workspace.Terrain
local footStepSound = sound:Clone()
local randomPlaybackSpeed = self.RandomNumGenerator:NextNumber(0.7,1)
footStepSound.PlaybackSpeed = randomPlaybackSpeed
local reverbEffect = Instance.new("ReverbSoundEffect")
reverbEffect.Density = 0.8
reverbEffect.DecayTime = 1
reverbEffect.Parent = footStepSound
footStepSound.PlayOnRemove = true
footStepSound.Parent = soundPositionAttachment
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:StartEngineSound(sound : Sound)
local engineSound = sound:Clone()
engineSound.Parent = self.RootPart
engineSound.Looped = true
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:InitDragDebug()
for _, Leg in pairs(self.Legs) do
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:Destroy()
if self.FootStep then
self = nil
return ProceduralAnimatorClass
I just realized I forgot to format it lol
if i were wanting to have the legs move when jumping, what would i need to change/remove
How can I make it so my animations (Walk/Run) move in a procedure manner.
I’m not fully sure what you’re trying to ask here, the original code makes it so the player moves their feet when in the air. If you’re asking what part of the code to alter to make it so they don’t move their feet I’m honestly, unsure. I just used the provided code by Soulx_xFlame and adjusted it to my liking, try asking him.
If you don’t mind me asking how exactly did you manage to make the legs move so smoothly? I’ve tried to replicate the same effect and have looked through the code of the CCDIKController but got no results like that.
I didn’t really changed much, except its a custom made character and added highlighted sphere part
Don’t know why you would want them to move but if you look at this line
function ProceduralAnimatorClass:Animate(dt)
if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").FloorMaterial ~= Enum.Material.Air then -- this is the line that stops the movement when in the air all It does is stop the leg movement when the player is touching the air material/ not touching the ground
--Begin the step
local dt10 = math.min(dt*10, 1)
local rootpart = self.RootPart
local rootvel0 = rootpart.Velocity -- Our movement velocity
local rootVelocity = rootvel0 * x_and_y --XY plane velocity only
local rootVelocityMagnitude = rootVelocity.Magnitude --root velocity magnitude
self.rootVelocityMagnitude = rootVelocityMagnitude
if self.EngineSound then
self.EngineSound.PlaybackSpeed = (rootVelocityMagnitude / self.MaxSpeed) + 0.6
--if moving then lerp current direction
if rootVelocityMagnitude > 0.1 then
--lerp current direction towards curren velocity
self.MovementDirectionXZ = self.MovementDirectionXZ:Lerp(rootVelocity.unit, dt10)
local relativizeToHumanoidSpeed = rootVelocityMagnitude/16 --default walk speed is 16
local stepCycle = relativizeToHumanoidSpeed*dt*self.CycleSpeed
if self.RootMotor then
i hope that Helps
Hi! If I use your module, can I credit you in the credits scene rather then the description, please? I’m going to make a dedicated GUI of credits!