Sometimes, rarely, an R6 character will load without the proper limbs and torso mesh, causing legacy shirts and pants to not load onto the character, and making the character appear naked with no bevels. This seems to happen more often when loading a custom character appearance over just loading the player’s website avatar. It’s very hard to nail down any sort of cause. I am under the impression that the mesh used for limbs and the torso of an R6 character are part of the Roblox local files, similar to the SpawnLocation texture. I’m very certain this has been reported before many times, and I’m not sure if it even can be solved. I understand shirts/pants failing to load sometimes because I know Roblox has to stream assets to players, and I don’t know if this is a similar case. I was told to open this bug report so the issue could be more easily tracked. This happens often enough to necessitate putting it into my community’s bug report form so players don’t take up our time with something we can’t fix.
Here’s an example of it happening in my game: