R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

Roblox really needs to just convert R15 stuff to be skinned meshes from now on. It’ll look so much better if they use the R6 meshes and deform them for R15 to get the proportions and everything right.


Deprecation doesn’t always mean removal. Especially with something as important to some games as R6, there’s no way in hell R6 is going anywhere anytime soon.

Oh Christ, give me a break. Go to Roblox’s Dynamic Heads post, filter posts by my name, and tell me you think I’m a Roblox defender.

Yeah, R6 has been de facto deprecated for years at this point. I never claimed R6 will stay here forever. All I’m saying is that the community and Roblox Corporation has quite a lot of time to preserve R6’s look and feel before the (again, at the moment far-off and unspecified) date of deprecation.

You can’t have this both ways. If Roblox forcing R15 on new players being the reason R6 has such little adoption, you can’t say that 100 million players actively chose R6, because R6 was forced on until 2016, and was default until 2017. R6 is sometimes chosen by newer players, but you cannot argue that there’s a large volume of demand actually there.

Deprecation doesn’t mean that R6 will never be updated again. R6 will be updated in the event of a serious bug.

Roblox has also promised that R6’s style and feel would remain with Roblox. If they’re telling the truth on this, then they wouldn’t be lying in these instances. There’s so so many things to be criticizing Roblox for, but this really isn’t the hill to die on.


What about new bundles in R6 experiences? I want them to work!

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Also please, keep R6 avatars for profile, people love to be in R6, some accessories will be broken for profile if you do that! Like this one :


This seems troublesome to me. I would prefer some clarification on this but I’m going to make some assumptions in the meantime. This seems like quite the breaking change especially if the replication behavior is like StreamingEnabled with the character in Nonatomic mode. I rely on the fact that Player.Character is replicated before scripts from StarterCharacterScripts run with StreamingEnabled off, and as far as I’m aware this should be the default legacy replication behavior.

A lot of games created with R6 in mind do not have the robustness to handle replication behavior that was changed after their conception. Clever to include the, “This has always been a best practice for Roblox scripts, even if some cases work without following this practice.” disclaimer in the documentation (not here weirdly enough), but it doesn’t make sense to justify a legacy user code compatibility issue as a deviation from “best practice” when the regression in behavior is a result of “best practice” not always making the most sense to use. It’s contradictory to “preserve the classic look, style, and movement of R6, but break the conventions of the code that supports the style. Not to mention that a yielding function (Instance::WaitForChild) will never be a perfectly compatible replacement for a non-yielding function (__index or Instance::FindFirstChild) in all scenarios.

I believe that in it’s current state, this set of changes preserves the novelty of R6 without much regard to heritage or purpose written R6 code of the past. The bare minimum.

Obviously there is no one size fits all solution to deprecating R6 since it is so engrained into Roblox’s identity, but if this is a hard limitation versus an early implementation quirk I fear for the integrity of older R6 games created long before Content Streaming technology. It makes sense that such a change has issues this early on considering it’s a compatibility layer for two very different technologies but that begs the question, Why not just wait until the tooling is more mature to make an announcement about it?

This is the light at the end of the tunnel, but only time will tell how far Roblox is willing to take the promise of preservation beyond emulation with an incredible amount of nuance.

Having nine (eight?) distinct known limitations is ridiculous unless an overwhelming majority of those were discovered after the beta was released. A lot of these are not minor issues either! I could just be out of the loop and not seeing the major design and implementation considerations, but it seems counterintuitive to make such promises about backwards compatibility with tooling that requires you to jump through flaming hoops to get there.

As displeased as I am with the state of the tooling now, I remain optimistic that the talented individuals working on it will make the process much less annoying and the changes less breaking. I’ve been on this platform for thirteen and a half years at this point and have been developing for seven. I saw the deprecation of R6 coming from lightyears away, but I hope the people calling the shots truly have my passion for classic Roblox as well as the interests of the player base in mind. To say it would be a shame if it required more work to fix and maintain old games than it’s worth is an understatement.


If R6 is going to be changed over to R15, at least make sure it keeps the same scale as R6 originally had. That is my primary concern here.


Once the visuals of the R6 emulator have been tweaked and are more similar to the original rig, is there any chance that the adapter could be reversed some time in the future and become usable in R15 experiences so more games can allow users to choose their preferred avatar type?

While there is currently a ‘player choice’ option, the R15 and R6 rigs are entirely separate and it’s a lot of extra work for the developer to create two sets of animations, and account for both in their scripts. I feel (while there would still be a lot of games that cannot use it because the R6 emulator causes visual issues or glitches) it would let more games allow both avatar types without creating extra work for the developer.


I do appreciate the fact that the Roblox is doing something to preserve R6, or at least the essence of it. What I don’t appreciate is their reasoning and logic behind deprecating it in the first place, and that’s really my main problem. Not to mention them using statistics that can’t really provide accurate data (referring to the R15 being automatically enabled on new accounts) or the fact that they’ve outright said R6 wasn’t going anywhere in the past.

Sanjay really said it best.

In my opinion, if they are going to make a big change like this, they’re going to need better reasoning than “It’s outdated and doesn’t work with our new tech”.


some questions:

1: is this update going to patch glitches with r6 (like the dance clip) that are commonly used in obbies as an intentional mechanic?

2: are players going to be able to switch to the r6 style at will or are they going to be forced into r15 for profiles/games with the user choice setting for avatar type?


hey, isn’t 2% of billions of users still several millions of people?


I don’t think I will be using this adapter as of right now…

First issue is scaling. As seen in the photo below, the head is larger than normal and some proportions seem wrong. (This may be because I’m wearing an animated head)

Secondly, I use a script that allows users to move their heads depending on where the camera is looking, along with replicating it to the server. While on the client everything works fine, the server cannot replicate those movements since the Neck Motor6 is in the head instead of the torso. There appears to be client / server confusion as to where Motor6s are.

And with that being said, another issue that I encountered was Ragdolling breaking. I use the simple method of toggling Ball In Socket Joints and Motor6s in order to make a character ragdoll. But, upon re-enabling those motor6 joints, you get this instead.

This does seem a pretty good idea, but I would rather just add R15 support instead (even though it is pain).


Sorry, I was extremely tired while writing that post so many points I’ve stated would be incorrect.

But the fact that we can’t have our rigs still working and us having to add additional body parts to them just to get the compatibility layer working does not seem like a good change.


I’m personally very indifferent about this update. It’s a bit of a shame that R6 is no longer receiving support, but I am quite curious to see how closely accurate they can adapt R15 once the system goes out of beta.

I wouldn’t mind swapping to R15 entirely so long as we get lots of retro-inspired assets to emulate the classic feel, such as a classic animation package or a skinned mesh bundle.


Have you considered that people use R6 BECAUSE of it’s limitations? It’s way more simple to work with. Any fake version you create should be just as easy to use and modify.


That other 2%: :moyai:

Please stop making useless updates and fix the actually problems


That’s a blatant lie, a lot of people are using R6 so idk where you are getting 98% from that’s a complete false statement.


do NOT release this, I can’t even ragdoll characters with this setting on
It’s not even about r6 nostalgia at this point, these updates are making roblox devs have a harder time and there are literally packages that make your avatar fully invisible in R15 (under 8 bars of graphics quality)

if you don’t believe this you can just view my roblox profile, with the state ugc is in you CAN NOT release this yet

WHICH APPLY TO THIS new r6 to r15 update

The only good change we’re getting from this is primarypart being set to rootpart by default instead of head, but even that’s fixable by just updating that instead, or atleast adding a setting that changes the default primarypart

Yes, I would love this update. But I want the ability to RAGDOLL PLAYERS reliably


Congratulations Roblox, you have my life on your hands now


R15 was released 6 years ago as a way to show off something new and improved to R6 and literally yesterday, they are gonna deprecate R6. All of my work revolves around R6 and I wanna stick it to that way. It doesn’t matter to me that my game doesn’t look “realistic” since I wanna provide good gameplay rather than realism. It will be pretty annoying for me to get used to R15 with all of its extra limbs and other stuff. Many other games uses R6 so I doubt that the “98% of Roblox users uses R15” is even real.

Anyways, with all being said, I don’t like at all this new feature. I’ve been through enough updates that everyone hated. This isn’t the Roblox I know anymore.


Don’t forget people who can ruin your game and scripts with r15 only exploits and such! Or the players who use goofy roblox items or things that make your avatar LITERALLY INVISIBLE