R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

Don’t forget people who can ruin your game and scripts with r15 only exploits and such! Or the players who use goofy roblox items or things that make your avatar LITERALLY INVISIBLE


I would bet that plenty of that “98%” is made up of bots and inactive users that automatically have R15 enabled.


There is not no 98% even including bots, who are we kidding here
This statistic shouldve been taken from people who played atleast once in the past month though, I do agree


Sorry if I’m asking this again, but since no one answered my two questions, im gonna ask them again.

  • Will animations animated on legacy r6 rigs still work? This is confusing as it stated NO WHERE in the post if animations would work, only “98% of users use r15 blah blah” and “default r6 animations will be emulated”. Wanna know why this is important? If the animations don’t work, many r6 games would not have animations, and developers would need to REANIMATE for r15.

  • Will scripts utilizing legacy r6 still work. Many games like neighbourhood war have scripts that are built for r6 specifically. I want to know if they would still work after the update, or would they not work and break probably 50-80% of roblox games (not counting starter places)


This is just, a bad update.
Not only it will mess up the obbies because of the hitboxes, the scaling is completely messed up and other games that rely on R6 will be completely meesed up too.
Why not just make the two coexist normally like they are already? Theres really no harm to one or another.
Id rather say just to make the layered clothing, dynamic faces and other stuff to be compatible with R6, other than making a whole new avatar bundle.
Please reconsider about this.


True, some UGC literally make that possible (I think? (Oops I read your thing again and I didn’t notice.))


I’m fine with it as long as there’s no bias towards anything, like making all games have a similar style or whatever. If it’s for the greater good, I’m in.

I hope to see a site layout rework and app optimization. It’s really laggy for me and I think that the creator dashboard is messy and is too different than the other Roblox pages.


Deprecation of R6 is a TERRIBLE idea. If you want people to express how they feel do not limit them. R6 might be old but its how users know roblox. Besides, many people stick to R6 rigs because they are way easier to animate. Forcing R6 to R15 adapter will break many old games or games that are simply not supported by its developers.

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They clarified on this and said the r15 parts will have cancollide and cantouch off. The hitboxes will only be Slightly Altered.

The scaling is horrible, I do agree, but roblox doesn’t care about what the community wants anyway. They’ve silently deprecated R6 already by not just making the new feautures compatible with R6


why won’t you just let R6 exist and be like it always was? whats the problem with it? nobody wants to use these new terribly looking R6 avatars. they dont even look blocky anymore.


Continuing on this, the whole “Express yourself thing!” is just begining to be a joke at this point, with Roblox taking away or forcing people to use some features that are only on R15 and not R6, and hell even on only Rhtro stuff, I think It would be easy to add (such as dynamic heads.).

I absolutely love the R6 style, its like a little bit cartoony, but with this upcoming update you’re just taking away even more features to express yourself.

Adding on this, most of the games heavy rely on R6, they were build with R6 in mind and not R15, such as scripts, animations and other stuff, by releasing this update you’ll surely brake alot of scripts and alot other stuff.
Edit: If this does somehow get released, are we expected to get “decremated” of say, blocky avatars, R 2.0 and alot more? This is looking to be a start of an invetiable corporate end.
Please for the love of god fix the adapter to be actually 1:1 to R6 and not be forcefully enabled and taking out the original R6 option out as a whole by replacing with that bad adapter we have as of now.


Yea this is going to be tough for r6 sports games


This is basically just “Good Idea, Bad Execution.” update

I like the idea of turning R15 Avatars to R6 Avatars but the only issue is that, that will break A-LOT of games. The reason is quite simple, R15 just doesn’t really work well, even if it’s converted into a R6 Rig. And there are multiple reasons to as why.

Examples would include:
Obbies like JToH will literally just be unplayable because they rely on R6 Rigs due to the R6 Hitbox. The reason why? It’s because it’s used to replicate complex obby stuff like wall-wrapping, certain clip glitches like the “/e dance2” clip, and much, Much more. As a R15 Rig wouldn’t be able to replicate these types of things because of the different hitbox.

Animations exclusive to R6 will break because, well, they only play within a R6 Rig.

And for my final reason, R6 is literally meant for simplistic reasons. For example, R6 is a really useful rig for animating. Since R6 has less body parts then R15, it will allow new animators to create animations without having move too much. (If you get what I am saying).

And why are you deprecating R6 exactly? It’s just going to make the community hate you, ROBLOX.

So, in my opinion, it’s good alright, just it has way too many flaws to be useful.


I’d agree with you Oswald, I am making a R6 game based off 2007-2009 ROBLOX, and if this update happens, it just going to make my game a waste of time just because it will ruin a lot of things inside of my game.

EDIT: I also forgot to mention that I will also agree with you with the “Express Yourself”! is going to be a joke thing. Yeah, this is basically just ROBLOX daily hour of nonstop “PLEASE JUST FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST SWITCH TO R15. It’s not outdated as R6, haha”. (Yeah, it’s way too overdramatic, but you get the point.)


I believe the adapter will convert them. This feauture is available for yourself in it’s current state and you can TEST it.

Yes-ish? They create new parts inside the character for each R6 limb, and changes that apply to that also apply to the r15 rig.

And don’t worry about any of this, it’s highly possible somebody will find a way to disable the adapter/adapter parts and get our old R6 characters back, that or you can use humanoid descriptions, or spawn an r6 preset with moon animator or something, and treat it like a custom rig.

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Roblox went over this, read the whole post.
Your other points still stand, and I agree.

My own two cents, if anyone will hear me out?

I think, in theory, this update could be a good idea. Roblox is clearly interested in preserving R6 to some degree, and offering an adapter from R15 allows for R6 to get features that it previously hasn’t gotten, and likely many more to come in the future. After all, Roblox HAS promised compatibility between the two systems. I’m optimistic for the most part.

However, Roblox has to be very careful with this update. Worst case scenario, hundreds of thousands of games, scripts, animations, and so on will break. Roblox has a history of not really caring for the past, and to this day, many older games lay in ruin as a result of updates over the years. If this takes the wrong direction, Roblox could risk not only breaking beloved older games, but several popular and loved titles on the front page to this day. The bridge from R15 to R6 would have to be incredibly flawless in order for the majority of people to accept it.

I also worry a bit for the current version of the adapter, where the converted R6 model looks absolutely nothing like R6. Regardless, it is still a beta product, and I hope we get atleast a year or two before this comes around. Remember the ancient R15 model that nobody liked, which ended up being remodelled to the variant we know today? I feel like, yes, Roblox does bring updates that upset the community at times, but there is no need to demonize them.

As I mentioned before, I’m optimistic for the most part, willing to give Roblox a chance in this, however a small piece of me still worries.

Let’s all hope this goes well.


You do have a point, it might be frown upon the ROBLOX community, but still, it’s still in Beta, and you aren’t force to use it. But still, you do indeed have some points but some of those points you did like animations being ruin was actually address within the post.

I take back almost everything I said on this post. R6 animations don’t work (current-state) and all they did was make the default ones work with R15. Custom made animations do NOT work, and they don’t even create key points in the limbs of the character such as rightgripattachment, which was used by A LOT of people.

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Why is the “Neck” joint just named spartacus??


This seems very unprofessional, as if it was done by a community member.

Roblox, I expected something more from you. Expected changes to be done to the native source code, not handing us a half-assed Lua-based adapter.