R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

I decided to give avatar unification a try, and what can I say, the results are CURRENTLY NOT as promising.
The avatar aesthetics are disproportional to R6 (gonna include the fact game took away my shades, but it seems like this happens because of not making accessories a mesh part, which sometimes is essential to have this for me) and completely breaks the overwritten Animate localscript (the animations refuse to play at all). Some things do work, but it’s really minimal.
So games that rely on R6 either for gameplay or for style, they will suffer from not having proper animations if this became an opt-out feature right now.
About obby. The head hitbox is larger and does not suit such moves such as wall jumps and may also be intrusive when it comes doing complicated moves.

So yeah obbies are currently out of luck with the way this is currently implemented, so are games that we’re built for R6. Developers don’t really mind R6 might be limiting or old enough to manage, but this should stay as a preference and for backwards compartibility.

these aren’t alike… these aren’t even remotely similar…

whats the point of depracating r6 in the name of “uniting all players” when supposedly 98% of your players all use r15??? surely the majority are already “united” and all of this expressing yourself rubbish is a complete and utter lie with this!!!
r6 is an entirely optional feature - what’s the point of depracating it like this? you’re just removing options and removing the freewill of players and developers. this update will help absolutely nobody.

this sucks.


It would probably be a sort of bad idea to straight up deprecate R6 in the future. A lot of older Roblox games were specifically made for R6, as well as some newer games. Also I think it would be better keeping the Adapter on “opt-in”, as, again, some games specifically use R6.


The funny thing is, I’ve been working on full r6 support on my game for the last week, only for this article to come out.

Aside from that, first off I’d just like to thank roblox for actually trying to do something about this, instead of telling developers to recode their game to work for r15.

On the other hand, I think roblox should have tested this more before announcing this feature. There are so many missing features and animations, and things as simple as spawning doesn’t even work properly. There is no tool holding animation. You can’t dance anymore. Come on roblox, you can’t just test this on a blank baseplate and decide it’s all good now, you need to find some working r6 games and migrate them and then test things out. Heck, I’ll bet these weigh more than r6 characters due to the extra body parts.

I also have some questions. If we can still put are avatars in r6, is there a way to detect what avatar type they are without having this feature enabled? If so, I could detect this and automatically set the players’ animations to the r6 style animations instead of using this janky and unreliable feature (I’m sorry but it’s true).

And what about custom animations? I’d love to have a functional r6 to r15 animation converter without inverse kinematics.

Lastly, is there anything to be done about those ugly seams on blocky r15 avatars? It doesn’t look nice at all to see a blocky character split into parts that aren’t being used.

I hope to see this new feature working better and more explained in the future.


I would expect that in 11 years of development you’d understand what deprecation means, but clearly not. Your entire reply acts like R6 is going to completely disappear and a ton of games are going to be broken as a result, which is simply not true. Plugins that depend on R6 will continue to function. Games that have R6 will continue to function, though I think in 2023 some people need to get with the times and advance with the platform.

For you to call people supporting the change (or R15 in general) “out of touch” is quite hypocritical - you are the one who is out of touch for failing to adapt to new and improved technology. David Baszucki said R6 would not be removed 3 years ago, and this is still the case. It’s not being removed, but they’re not going to be continuing to work on supporting it. This was 3 years ago and they’re only making this change NOW, it absolutely was safe to use it for building a multi-year project when he said this.

The number of players you meet that prefer R6 is totally dependent on the games you play. If you play older games that were designed in/still support R6, you’ll obviously run into a lot of people who like the nostalgia and older feeling of Roblox. However, in most of the new games that force R15 by default, most players prefer that avatar type anyway. I see how R6 can be favorable in some situations but most new indie developers I’ve met are adapting and using R15 rigs. Whether you like it or not, technology and Roblox in itself has changed since 2012 and this change is reflecting that.

This change will be going ahead and most of the player community is happy to see it go. Roblox is making an effort to make the transition between R6 and R15 games easy, including being able to play R6 animations on R15 avatars. Honestly, I don’t know how you didn’t see this coming. I have never been a fan of the “new” R6 games in 2023 - they are deliberately using outdated technology that can be easily predicted to be deprecated in future.

You need to realise, Roblox is a game. It’s not a metaverse. nobody likes what you are doing, first, it was audios, then it was dynamic heads, and now it is R6, You specifically said you won’t remove R6 and said You won’t change the look, way and feel of R6, and you are doing that yet again, same as dynamic heads, You are pushing stuff on us that we do not want, think about what your community wants, you used to listen to your community back in the day now you’re not, And I doubt this will be anyway the same to R6,

This statement is a complete lie, Where you are getting that information from is incorrect.

is because not a lot of games use R6, and sometimes R6 users are in R15 games, None of us wants to use R15 which is why we made our games R6 only, R6 is easier to work with and script with while R15 is more complex and has more parts and can’t be animated too easily in my opinion, R6 should stay the way it is, we shouldn’t have to go through all of the hassles to rescript, edit, and replace stuff in our R6 games, You have been pushing unnecessary updates, and are fixing stuff that didn’t even need to be fixed, maybe you could edit the coding of how Layered Clothing works and how the dynamic heads work so they can be used on R6 without the need of this adapter? I suggest you consider this, as it’s much easier than doing it this way. also, I am not trying to break any rules.


It seems the public doesn’t like this change, Roblox.
You said you’d listen to feedback, so here it is:

Public’s Reactions: Overwhelmingly Negative


Another day, another bad update.

You would be deprecating R6, which is a bad update as we grown up with R6 until 2017 when you stopped caring about R6, Rethink your update choices, I mean that with a hundred percent, with a thousand percent

“Us” is a small minority, clearly more people want to use R15.

Just because you’ve seen more people on Roblox who wear R6 over R15 doesn’t mean they’re more people on Roblox who wear R6.

still not a reason to completely get rid of it? some people like to use R6? have you thought of that?

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They’re not getting rid of it completely. From my understanding, this isn’t forced, and will only be used if a player has R15 enabled.

I never said that. I’m just calling out people arguing with facts lol

R15 is also outdated, if you have ever animated a humanoid rig you know that both R15 and R6 doesnt make sense because it is made of parts and not bones, but R15 is worse because it have more parts.
R6 is way better to animate because you can create smoother animations

from what i understand, they are removing the current one completely and are replacing it with the new r15 version that is up-to-date with new tech like layered clothing and dynamic faces.

sorry this is kinda off-topic, but i actually think they changed that tagline a while ago

edit: yeah its now “reimagining the way people come together”

I agree with you, R6 has truly been a staple of the platform and developing games using R6 as opposed to R15 (especially as a solo dev) is significantly easier.

There is really no need to be rude, he’s expressing his concerns on the deprecation of R6.

Several posts on this topic have proven that it either does not work, or it does not behave as expected.
Not just this, but there are many reasons for developers to be concerned, these R6 style R15 blocky bodies are awful looking. I personally am also concerned with how the character loading could also be affected, could roblox potentially just fully throw aside R6 and developers would have to create R6 support themselves?

The fact that roblox has actually made layered clothing possible for “R6 style bodies” using this adapter implies that possibly (with some adjustments) it could work with R6 bodies. Yes obviously it would be more efficient to use a separate cage mesh and blah blah blah, but the proof is in the pudding.

Where is the proof for this? The “98%” statistic has been debunked countless times and is obviously not true. Judging by the outrage in this topic I’d say at least half of the developer community isn’t happy.

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You’re just gonna have to take Roblox’s word on it, they have all the metrics.

Could you show me where it has been debunked?

The people in this post aren’t reflective of half of the developer community. Simply untrue. There are thousands of Devs and there are only 400 posts on this, not all for R6; definitely not “at least”.

Since 2017, new accounts have been created using the R15 rig as opposed to the R6 rig.
Old inactive accounts were also force swapped to R15. Also, are we just going to ignore the massive bot account problem that roblox has, how much of this data is really reflective of the community? Obviously there is an incentive as well for players to switch to R15 due to more avatar options being in the catalog and as such many players likely do so for their avatar’s appearance, but this isn’t reflective of whether or not they prefer R15 over R6.

We are talking on the official roblox devforum, to say the people here are not reflective of the development community is just plain ignorant. Sure, maybe for me to say “half” is not reflective of the whole development community, but a whole lot of people in this topic aren’t happy.


this is automatically going to be forced onto old games. although you can opt-out later, a lot of old games have inactive developers. i wish roblox would keep it as purely opt-in


Since my two questions from last time have been answered, I now want to share my thoughts on this update.

I am personally fine about this, as long as:

  • legacy r6 option from website will still be usable on avatars.
  • It stays as opt-in. This gives developers more freedom if they want to enable it manually in their game or not. This also prevents old games to not break.
  • The r6 emulator will FULLY emulate r6, making all hitboxes work, all legacy r6 animations play, and all legacy r6 scripts work.
  • legacy r6 tech isn’t removed completely.

I do however, think this is a great idea and people are overreacting a little bit. But please roblox, elaborate more on what you mean by deprecation and discontinuation, as a lot of roblox users practically have ptsd from new roblox updates, making them instantly assume that anything deprecated or discontinued will get removed completely.

Also I suggest to fix all the ugly gaps on r15 avatars if you want to say that r15 is superior. Packages like the original blocky and the 2.0 avatars for example have ugly gaps that make me not want to use r15.