R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

I appreciate how much communication ahead of time there is here. It’s true that the old avatar tech stack is practically crumbling at the seams. That could have been the impetus to kill off the old style for good. I’m grateful that real and substantial effort is being put in to preserve this legacy, especially around the gameplay and physics of R6 and not just its looks.

This is a great way to separate the legacy of R6 from it’s woefully underequipped internal workings.


This thing is hilarious.

Imagine if someone actually used this feature in their games…


No. I prefer it because it’s easier for me to work with. I don’t care about layered clothing or facial movement, and most of my players likely don’t either. My game is literally based on old roblox, so I’d of course want it to emulate that.

Because Roblox makes users R15 default, and even forces others into using it…

Also, aren’t you the guy that said people should be free to do stuff with their avatars??


I really love this new update, especially with R6 animations now being supported with R15 avatars!!! It makes me kind of sad that the current gears are particularly supported by R6 only. I just hope gears get some changes soon. Anyway, I will definitely give this a go, because I have waited for this feature to release for a few weeks now. Thanks for providing the tools that we can use to convert R6 avatars to R15, while still maintaining the R6 aesthetic!


On more powerful devices and smaller servers yes there will be no impact, however our game is largely played by less powerful devices and in very large servers, making the impact for us much greater.


You literally cannot use tools whatsoever with this update.


I haven’t tried out the update yet, so I’m not sure


I kinda agree with this, we should’ve gotten a detailed graph about the usage of R6 and R15.

R15 can already simulate all of the features within R6, so you don’t have to worry about losing your classic style avatar.


I have. Look at the video I posted earlier.

The script that “unifies” also has 20 errors in it lol.


This is nice, i would however like to see improvements to the layered clothing aswell, it’s hard to have it on all games specially with custom character movement systems since it halves your fps as stated on some bug reports on the forum.


Your ignorance about this clearly shows. There are many practical reasons for using R6, not least that it is easier to work with, and in many cases (1.0, 2.0) looks a thousand times better. Until that ceases to be the case, it should remain available.

Again, you fail to understand that Roblox has, several times infact, automatically updated player avatars to R15. There is also the fact that many front-page experiences do utilise R15, however this should not be taken as being representative in any way of a “large variety” of experiences.

I’m afraid what you’re saying is misinformed.


This is such an interesting sunsetting prospect, bravo!
An adapter although not elegant seems like a very appropriate solution to offer a very good and comfortable way to improve the front-end feel.

I do wonder about two aspects regarding this, though: will we have R6 (referring to adapted R15) availability for our avatar thumbnail on the website? And also, will “user preference” technology settings persist (allowing an experience to have both R6 and R15 players natively at the same time)?

Other than those concerns, it looks like an awesome plan! Ever since I heard about the speculations from over a year ago I was hoping something like this was done so properly.


Ah, I will just mess around with the update


To prove my point: although it’s a smaller group, I can’t find any of my members using layered clothing or something similar despite using R15 avatars. Lucid Community - Roblox


please keep r6 dude… dont remove it at all. if you remove r6 i will never touch this platform again.


summary for people who are confused:


I don’t doubt that it’s more popular than R6 but it definitely isn’t 98% if we’re talking about active players.

If you actually read my post you’d know my point was that it’s a misleading statement due to the fact that the majority of that 98% is made up of inactive users and throwaway accounts who never willingly switched to R15.


Yes of course roblox makes the option of characters that have higher capability for customization and better animations the default.

The 98% of users quote is most likely referring to active players, not all players.The small amount of accounts that got “converted” to r15 is mincisule compared to the number of new accounts that have joined and decided not to get rid of their r15 avatar because it looks better (or whatever their reasons are).

There have been so many new accounts since 2016 that i doubt that more than .1% of those 98% of accounts were made before the introduction of R15

This update in the OP doesn’t even remove R6, it gives people the option to enable r15 features on r6, which i don’t believe should be an option and i think that it should be forcibly enabled on all r6 games, but thats just my opinion.

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so they are removing r6 fully?


I’ve never seen a person do these kinds of tricks on “it” before like damn