Racing themed GFX

Hey big fellas! Been quite a while since I’ve posted here. Though I have spent some time relaxing and figuring out better GFX strategies, what do you think of this racing sorta themed render and all that. Model was indeed from Roblox (thank you random lambo model) and the rest is ofc in Blender and Photoshop.

I wanted to add so much to this but just I hit my limit way too early phah. The background was the main thing I’ve struggled with, but oh well.


The effects on this are incredible. Is that an Aventador?

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I meeeean a quick google search kinda confirms it so… yeah? phah, thanks btw!

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What a gorgeous GFX! I love it, and you’ve done an amazing job on it!

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Boosting my ego a little bit too much there hahah, thank you!

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Nice Racing Themed GFX!!! Cool!

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The flames are offset a little too much. Try making it smaller and separating them further, because the flame closest to the front seems to be coming from the road, not the car, and the one at the back seems to be floating, not connected to anything. Also try slight motion blur, the car doesnt seem to be in motion.

Those arent flames bud, thats just the overlay haha, motion blur has also been applied, subtly, cause anything above this just ruined it for me

Wow it looks very nice :grin:

I don’t know if its just me but it looks noisy as heck, or its just some filter you put

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Another overlay yes, i love the dusty and noisy effects, you see them across almost all of my work, its great in my opinion ^^