Radial Ui Selection Arrow

I have a radial ui (doesnt look TOO radial but it is) that looks like this. It looks a little empty right now, so i want to add an arrow in the center that points to the selected slots, I can code this without issues, but I have no idea how I would make the arrow.

This is the concet I have nicely crafted:

I need the imge of the arrow to take up that whole inner grey cirlce, but only the black part will be visible. this is so i can rotate the immage and the arrow will move on the outside. see how its like curved frtom the inside like the grey circle, and it points outwards ncie and smooth. i have no idea how to make it and I apprecieate any help!

step 1: enter into drawing sofware of choice

step 2: draw circle in the middle of the canvas

step 3: make new layer

step 4: make arrow on new layer

step 5: remove circle

Now you have your image… all you need to do is import it into studio and make sure the origin(?) of the image is in the middle so that when you rotate it around it moves the way you want it to.

yes i figured i could do that, but i dont want to freehand the image, i want it perfect. are there any tools you know of that i can use?

oh! yeah sure. https://www.photopea.com/

use the ellipse tool and hold down shift to make a perfect circle

then you can use the move tool
to move the circle to the middle if its not already. the circle should snap to the middle once you get close enough.

the new layer tool is at the bottom right
then from here you could either play with the symmetry tool or the vector tool. (I kinda ran outta time writing this so sorry for lack of more instructions)

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