Ragdoll Code only works on the first run, then only sits player

Hi, my name is bullet, and recently i have been running into a ton of errors on this one script.

I’ve recently been working on a ragdoll script for a game i’m in a team with, but this has consistently been delaying me from working on any other scripts [ i am the only scripter in the team ]

so i would appreciate some help, but here is the script i am talking about:

local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local HRP = script.Parent:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local jointtable = {}
local Ragdoll = Instance.new("BoolValue")
Ragdoll.Value = false
Ragdoll.Name = "Ragdoll"
Ragdoll.Parent = humanoid


if Ragdoll == nil then
	print("failed in life")
elseif Ragdoll ~= nil then

	local function HumanoidState(OldState, NewState)
		if NewState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Seated and not Ragdoll then
			print("things are happening.")
			for i,v in pairs(humanoid.Parent:GetDescendants()) do
				if v:IsA("Motor6D") and v.Parent.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then
					local Socket = Instance.new("BallSocketConstraint")
					local a1 = Instance.new("Attachment")
					local a2 = Instance.new("Attachment")
					a1.Parent = v.Part0
					a2.Parent = v.Part1
					Socket.Parent = v.Parent
					Socket.Attachment0 = a1
					Socket.Attachment1 = a2
					a1.CFrame = v.C0
					a2.CFrame = v.C1
					Socket.LimitsEnabled = true
					Socket.TwistLimitsEnabled = true
					print("a ballsocket replaced")
			Ragdoll = true
			humanoid.RequiresNeck = false
		elseif NewState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or NewState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Running and Ragdoll then
			for i,v in pairs(humanoid.Parent:GetDescendants()) do
				if v:IsA("BallSocketConstraint") then
					v.UpperAngle = 0
					v.TwistUpperAngle = 0
					v.TwistLowerAngle = 0
					local Joints = Instance.new("Motor6D",v.Parent)
					if v.Attachment1 == nil  == nil or v.Attachment1.Parent == nil or v.Attachment1.Parent.Name == nil then
					return end
						-- THE STAIR CODE!!
						if v.Attachment1.Parent.Name == "Head" then
							Joints.Name = "Neck"
							elseif v.Attachment1.Parent.Name == "Left Arm" then
								Joints.Name = "Left Shoulder"
								elseif v.Attachment1.Parent.Name == "Right Arm" then
									Joints.Name = "Right Shoulder"
									elseif v.Attachment1.Parent.Name == "Right Leg" then
										Joints.Name = "Right Hip"
										elseif v.Attachment1.Parent.Name == "Left Leg" then
											Joints.Name = "Left Hip"
										-- The END OF THE STAIR CODE :(

					Joints.Part0 = v.Attachment0.Parent
					Joints.Part1 = v.Attachment1.Parent
					Joints.C0 = v.Attachment0.CFrame
					Joints.C1 = v.Attachment1.CFrame
			Ragdoll = false
		if NewState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Seated and Ragdoll == false then
		elseif NewState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping and Ragdoll == true then


it’s a long read, but anyways. the error i’m having is with the ragdoll just not working after the first time it works, for example:

I get knocked down and i ragdoll, i get back up, it prints " nil " for whatever reason, then
if i get knocked down again, i don’t ragdoll and no errors pop up, but the prints in the ragdoll code don’t run.

so i would really appreciate some help here, but anyways,

thank you for reading, and if you can help, thanks in advance!

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Ragdoll is defined as a BoolValue, but later you’re setting Ragdoll as a bool

Later when you reference, you need to use Ragdoll.Value


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In addition to what has already been stated if you need a script to execute each time a player’s character is loaded/spawned then parent the local script to the StarterCharacterScripts folder.

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