Ragdoll-Collusion Issues

Hello there! I am experiencing collusion issues with my ragdoll I have just created. I attempted many solutions including creating fake parts, changing the humanoids states, etc and all led to no luck to the solution.

What is your goal? When a player is ragdolled, I want their all of their baseparts to have collusion other then just the HumanoidRootPart.

What is your issue? When ragdolling, the parts collide through the floor and looks unrealistic and does not fit with what my goal is.

What is your hopeful solution? Having the player’s baseparts not collide through the floor.

Proof of the clipping:


	for I, V in pairs(Char:GetDescendants()) do
			if V:IsA("Motor6D") then
					local Socket = Instance.new("BallSocketConstraint", V["Parent"])
					local A1,A2 = Instance.new("Attachment", V["Part0"]),Instance.new("Attachment", V["Part1"])
					A1["Name"] = "RagdollAttach";A2["Name"]="RagdollAttach"
					Socket["Attachment0"] = A1
					Socket["Attachment1"] = A2
					A1["CFrame"] = V["C0"]
					A2["CFrame"] = V["C1"]
					Socket["LimitsEnabled"] = true
					Socket["TwistLimitsEnabled"] = true
					V["Enabled"] = false

There are other posts that have dealt with ragdoll collision issues, try using the search bar up top:

Sadly I viewed that post and the solution did not work however I have found a solution to this issue already. Appreciate your help though!

Then you should post your solution here so others can benefit.