Ragdoll Drag System Bug

I am attempting to script a system where you can drag a ragdolled player with a rope connected to both players, however sometimes physics get really buggy and I’m wondering how to fix it. It either works as expected half the time, and the other time it completely breaks.

How I expect it to work 100% of the time: https://gyazo.com/4b2eebd4bada04ecf294e91ba09df3b7

How it sometimes bugs out:

I can’t seem to reproduce the bug as it just seems to be random.

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Maybe turn on massless on the ragdoll, or it could be humanoid states

I’ve tried both of these, and the issue does still occur time to time.

You will need to work with the network owner property if you are talking about the laggy effect Network Ownership

If I am doing this correct, I set the ragdoll’s NetworkOwner to the player dragging the ragdoll. This does seem to fix the movement part of the bug. But animations still are bugged for everyone but the person dragging the ragdoll. This doesn’t happen all the time, and it seems to be random.

After hours of researching how to fix this, I’ve decided just to make an “artificial” RopeConstraint by using a Beam and AlignPosition.

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