Ragdoll + Humanoid Issues

I have a ragdoll script that works quite fine, but I want to leave the body around for another 30 seconds. What I have the script do is after 3 seconds, the dead character’s parts and accessories are copied over to a “Ragdoll” model that then anchors them and makes them unCanCollidable. However when it tries to make them unCanCollidable it refuses to stay.

So I figure out that the Humanoid is causing this issue, but now when I remove it clothes aren’t placed on the meshparts of the ragdoll.

So my dilemma is Clothes vs avoiding Collisions.

Is there a property that I don’t know about to avoid this? Or is there another object I can use to load the clothes on the character’s parts without it interfering with the collisions of the parts?


I have had this issue before. A simple solution I just thought of would be to keep the humanoid, and instead use Collision Groups to prevent other players/objects you specify from colliding with the dead ragdoll model.

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That’s what I thought later as well, but god does it kinda add to the complexity of the already large system. I’ll do it if I have to, but I’d like to find something else first.

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Collision groups are extremely simple to incorporate. I can explain the steps required if you don’t understand.

I wish there was a magical property for this as well, but I believe there isn’t. I think this is probably one of the more elegant solutions. Otherwise, I don’t know how you can keep the clothes, because they absolutely require the humanoid to exist.

Unless your game uses decals for clothes, and not the player’s actual clothes from their profile. In which case, it’s possible to show the decals easily on the model, but I highly doubt that is the route you want to go, as it would be highly inconvenient and add way more time than other solutions.

I just did some research, and nobody has other solutions for this from what I saw. Several people suggesting ‘trying’ to set the whole character’s body to cancollide false every stepped frame, but everyone seemed to agree it wasn’t consistently working and didn’t produce satisfactory results.

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