Ragdoll limb delay

So I’m trying to make a ragdoll engine from scratch and I reached an issue where the limbs freeze for a little bit then go to the player.


I made this by making ball sockets. and when the player touches a part the joints are disabled
and the player type is turned to a ragdoll. If this is too brief, feel free to ask me quastions

Did you change humanoid state in client-side when there’s a signal from that player? If you do, other clients have to wait until they received a signal, my game has a same problem but on Torso.
I guess the solution is to fire a sever, then Server-side fire back to change humanoid state, so that all clients receive signal at same time. Not sure if that works or not, I’ll reply again when I tested it.

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“Did you change humanoid state in client-side when there’s a signal from that player?” - Yes i used a part that detects when is touched and fires a local script that changes the humanoid state to ragdoll

I have this problem too. I’ve been searching and still can’t find a solution.