Ragdoll Motor6D Freezing

I don’t even know what’s wrong with this ragdoll. It’s smooth on the person ragdolling but if you look on the server the torso moves and the limbs freeze for a second then attach back to the ragdoll. It happens when I toggle the Motor6D’s Part1 and Enabled. It literally doesn’t make sense.

I tried settings the NetworkOwner to the server and massless on everything. Nothing seems to work
Is this like a Motor6D issue?

The ragdoll works, but other players and the server, THE SERVER ITS SELF SEES THE LIMBS FREEZE FOR A BIT

local Ragdoll = {}
local RagdollFunctions = {}

function Ragdoll.new(character: Model)
	local self = setmetatable({}, {__index = RagdollFunctions})
	self.BodyParts = { "Torso" }
	self.Character = character
	self.Humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
	self.Ragdolled = false
	self.RagdollParts = {}
	self.RagdollWelds = {}
	return self

function RagdollFunctions:Toggle(boolean: boolean)
	if self.Ragdolled == boolean then return end
	if boolean and not self.Ragdolled then
		self.Ragdolled = true
		local rootPartWeld = Instance.new("Weld")
		rootPartWeld.Name = "RagdollRootPart"
		rootPartWeld.Part0 = self.Character.Torso
		rootPartWeld.Part1 = self.Humanoid.RootPart
		rootPartWeld.Parent = self.Humanoid.RootPart
		table.insert(self.RagdollWelds, rootPartWeld)
		self.Humanoid.RootPart.RootJoint.Enabled = false
		self.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
		for _, bodyPartName in next, self.BodyParts do
			local bodyPart = self.Character[bodyPartName] :: Motor6D
			for _, motor6D: Motor6D in next, bodyPart:GetChildren() do
				if motor6D:IsA("Motor6D") then
					if not motor6D.Part0 or not motor6D.Part1 then continue end
					local motorPart1 = motor6D.Part1
					self.RagdollParts[motorPart1.Name] = {}

					local ballSocketConstraint = Instance.new("BallSocketConstraint")

					local ragdollAttachment = Instance.new("Attachment")
					ragdollAttachment.Name = "RagdollAttachment"
					ragdollAttachment.CFrame = motor6D.C0
					ragdollAttachment.Parent = motor6D.Part0

					local limbRagdollAttachment = Instance.new("Attachment")
					limbRagdollAttachment.Name = "LimbRagdollAttachment"
					limbRagdollAttachment.CFrame = motor6D.C1
					limbRagdollAttachment.Parent = motorPart1
					ballSocketConstraint.Enabled = true
					ballSocketConstraint.Attachment0 = ragdollAttachment
					ballSocketConstraint.Attachment1 = limbRagdollAttachment
					ballSocketConstraint.LimitsEnabled = true
					ballSocketConstraint.TwistLimitsEnabled = true

					local ragdollPart = Instance.new("Part")
					ragdollPart.Name = "RagdollPart"
					ragdollPart.Transparency = 1
					ragdollPart.Size = motorPart1.Size/1.5
					ragdollPart.CollisionGroup = "Ragdoll"
					ragdollPart.CFrame = motorPart1.CFrame
					ragdollPart.CanCollide = true
					ragdollPart.Parent = motorPart1

					local ragdollWeld = Instance.new("Weld")
					ragdollWeld.Name = "RagdollWeld"
					ragdollWeld.Part0 = motorPart1
					ragdollWeld.Part1 = ragdollPart
					ragdollWeld.Parent = ragdollPart
					ballSocketConstraint.Parent = motorPart1
					motor6D.Part1 = nil
					self.RagdollParts[motorPart1.Name].Part1 = motorPart1
					self.RagdollParts[motorPart1.Name].Motor = motor6D

					self.RagdollParts[motorPart1.Name][ballSocketConstraint.Name] = ballSocketConstraint

					self.RagdollParts[motorPart1.Name][ragdollAttachment.Name] = ragdollAttachment
					self.RagdollParts[motorPart1.Name][limbRagdollAttachment.Name] = limbRagdollAttachment

					self.RagdollParts[motorPart1.Name][ragdollPart.Name] = ragdollPart
					self.RagdollParts[motorPart1.Name][ragdollWeld.Name] = ragdollWeld
	elseif self.Ragdolled then
		self.Ragdolled = false
		self.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
		self.Humanoid.RootPart.Massless = false
		self.Humanoid.RootPart.RootJoint.Enabled = true
		for i, essentials in next, self.RagdollParts do
			essentials.Motor.Part1 = essentials.Part1
		end; for _, v in next, self.RagdollWelds do v:Destroy() end

return Ragdoll
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Basically what happens in brief explanation, The limbs freeze in the air for a second then gets attached back after that for the ragdoll. The Torso is fine because it doesn’t get changed so you see the torso normally

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