Ragdoll NPC is different on all screens after death

In my game, when you kill an NPC, or when their health just reaches zero, they are supposed to fall over and ragdoll normally.

However, when they die here, their character is different on every screen. For some reason, it’ll work normally for the person who killed the NPC but then they will freeze in the middle of falling, and on every other client (and the Server) the character will be completely broken.

Client, person who killed the NPC:


I’ve heard that it’s caused by something to do with Motor6Ds, is there any way to fix this without completely changing the ragdoll system?

I’ve had this same issue myself, many suggested things like SetNetworkOwner() or disabling the RootJoint but nothing really worked (for me at least. Not that you couldn’t try it.)
Eventually I found this video, he shows off a very well made ragdoll script

This worked perfectly for me across all clients and server.

I know ragdoll scripts are usually a lot of annoying copy and pasting with few changes so he linked a place in the description which you can enter with studio and just copy the whole thing.