Ragdoll wont fall over

I created a push tool so players can push each other over, but I keep encountering this issue where the player when pushed will stay up right and not fall over.

When I test the tool on the dummies, they seem to get pushed over just fine. Also, after getting pushed over it sometimes will push the player, but then they’ll get stuck after the ragdoll timer expires, they’ll be on the ground for a few more seconds than I want them to be.

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I had this problem a while ago, and my solution was to apply an angular force to the humanoidrootpart, something like this:

Character.HumanoidRootPart:ApplyAngularImpulse(Vector3.new(-90, 0, 0))

Are you setting the HumanoidState to Physics/Ragdoll and are you setting PlatformStand to true?

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