Ragdolled part using BallSocketRestraint leading to unwanted physics interaction

I have a script that makes the Character’s Right Arm ragdoll. However, jumping results in a little push on the player, leading to unwanted behavior.

The arm is Massless, has CanCollide set to false, and is attached to a BallSocketRestraint. How could I make the player jump normally?

have you tried changing the parent of the constraint and which attachment is attachment0 yet? Sometimes roblox physics gets picky about what works and what doesn’t. And if changing things around doesn’t work it could also be caused by network ownership issues regarding the server disagreeing with the client on where the arm should be. But that’s unlikely as the arm is in close proximity to the player

Tried it just now and that doesn’t seem to be the solution. It’s likely not a network ownership issue as the arm is still the Player’s character, so they’d have ownership.

the only other things I can think of are moving the arm to workspace and changing the ballsocket’s MaxFrictionTorque value to math.huge