Long time ago I made a ragdoll system and I had an issue where resetting after ragdoll wouldn’t allow you to respawn. I had to make a very weird and janky system as a workaround to fix it.
Nowdays I’m making a new, better one, and it seems my lifelong archnemesis has returned to haunt me.
There are a few reasons that this may be happening. I cannot fully assist you with a singular video clip. Try checking the humanoid’s states, and ensure that it is actually changing to what it needs to be.
When my parts fall asleep, I can’t reset anymore, that explains why if i somehow manage to move, it registers the death, and also why it works if I reset shortly after ragdoll, since there’s no time for my parts to sleep.
However, I have no idea how to fix this, without having a very janky system for it, I tried enabling PhysicsImprovedSleep but it did not work.
I believe that I have found a way for you to fix this issue. As you stated prior the fix will likely include a system that may not be the best for this problem. A Roblox staff member made an interesting remark about the sleep system. Here.
There seems to be no way of disabling the sleep system. You could use a crude velocity loop to attempt to get the sleep system to relax.
Sad, I don’t even think Roblox letting you exclude specific parts from the sleep system would be such an issue, does this count as a bug? maybe a bug report
I do not think this counts as a bug. As the same staff member stated that they are not planning on excluding certain parts from sleeping. As stated here.