raidRoleplay: A multi-purpose system designed for F3X based building games

There’s the shift + k method that allows you to select anything, including locked parts (see F3X help,) and that includes an option to ignore locked local player characters. However, there is nothing implemented to deal with this specific use case. I would recommend modifying or writing your own module to do this with the documentation available.

Sorry how do i give f3x to someone

This is really nice but I found a censoring bug in-game for the set name feature, but it’s not in playtesting in the studio. But when you type in some of the cuss words sometimes it doesn’t censor. This may be because the set name is using the same name tag as the username and the censoring is probably getting mixed up with my username?

Here is an image below the red marked censored is the A word.
The bottom of the red marked censored word is my username (dogjnh5341).
