raidRoleplay: A multi-purpose system designed for F3X based building games

NOTE: Project is discontinued, and no more updates or support will be provided. Here be dragons.

raidRoleplay is an open-source UI and F3X modification framework that provides a multitude of features that range from essential to convenient for games that are based around building and/or roleplaying.

-------------F3X-Building features-------------

Model insertion, “Sets”; Through developers adding it in to a folder, or players simply creating and saving them inside of the game, players can save models / builds they have created to a datastore that can be easily loaded and reloaded.

Create Composition: If a player has some sort of small structure that they want to keep available for reused, they can simply use this, select their parts with F3X, and then it will be added to the Sets menu.

F3X Import: With integration to other features, this is a UI version of the traditional F3X import that many games rely on.

Part Ownership: This feature allows you to configure limits for players in order to prevent them from touching the builds of other players. The included Trust Menu allows players to select other players that they want to give access to their builds to, and an option in the UI allows players to select parts and remove their claims to them.

Part Selection Limit: Enabling the part selection limit allows you to prevent a player from selecting massive amounts of parts, such as if they are selecting an entire map, or if they are spamming large amounts of parts around.

Sprint button: A toggle-able sprint button to allow players to move around large environments quickly.

Lighting menu: If a player wants to change the lighting settings in-game to allow for nice screenshots, this menu provides a way for clientside manipulation of many lighting effects.

Anti-anchor bombing: Griefers and trolls have long found that unanchoring ridiculous amounts of objects is a great way to crash a server quickly. raidRoleplay prevents this by making them responsible for the physics of those unanchored parts, leaving them to be the only player suffering from the lag.

Anti-clone bombing: Players who are spamming clones, or who are cloning a large amount of parts in the same place will be kicked and a notification will be sent to admins to prevent malicious players from crashing the server.

F3X Tutorial: A tutorial is included that can help new players learn the very basics of F3X.

Extra F3X utilities: RemoveExplorer allows you to hide the explorer that allows players to unlock parts such as the baseplate in your game; ShiftTNotDefault makes sure that new players don’t accidentally drag large amounts of parts when they meant to solely drag one part; DisableLockedParts makes sure that F3X doesn’t allow the player to select parts that are locked.

Logs: An easy to use and simple logging system makes moderation extremely easy inside of your game. These logs even include a way to undo the features of other players, meaning that any attempted griefers can simply have their actions reverted.

-------------Roleplay features-------------

Day/Night Cycle: A day/night cycle system is included that has a switch so that admins can switch between the day/night with ease.

Set Name: If your players need to show the name of their in-game faction, character, etc., they can do it easily through the UI. Their regular usernames will still show, making sure that moderators can identify bad actors. Set name also has per client filtering, so a 13+ user can see another 13+ user’s name with less censoring.

Dice menu: Need to calculate for some sort of random value? The dice menu allows for a player to roll a dice that appears above their head, giving you a random number in any range you provide.

Teams menu: Do you have teams in your game? This menu allows your players to switch between the teams that are in your game with ease. Comes with a configuration to blacklist teams that are meant for moderators, developers, etc.

Teleport Menu: This gives players in your game a way to teleport to other players. This is extremely useful for games where the map is large and expansive, and finding other players can be extremely difficult. You can also make teleports in the map if players need to travel between common locations quickly. This also includes options so that players can hide themselves from the menu if they don’t want players coming to them, and a delay in-case if they want a few seconds to start dragging parts to take along with them.

-------------Features for Developers-------------

Group or name based permissions: This allows you to define admins or other players to bypass limits you have set in the configuration.

Extensive configuration: The demands of your game can be met with the extensive ability to set per rank configuration in many modules. Additionally, if you don’t want a feature, all you have to do is simply drag the module out of the cleanly named “Modules” folder. You can even add your own decal to the UI by simply setting the Image ID of the “GroupLogo” inside of the script.

Extensive documentation: A documentation file is included inside of the script, allowing those who want to add a feature to the UI to have a quick and easy understanding of the important modules that make the basis of the UI.

Customizable theme engine: With a small amount of programming to create a toggle switch, as well as some UI customization, you can theme the entirety of raidRoleplay to fit with the aesthetic of your group.

Ease of Installation: All you have to do is move the script into ServerScriptService, and raidRoleplay will take care of the rest. The default options will provide most of the features, but to get the most out of the raidRoleplay (especially the rank based options,) you will need to modify the configuration module inside of some of the modules, as well as the configuration inside of the script itself.




The plugin provides automatic transfer of configuration files to new versions, meaning that you spend less time copying over files from one installation to another whenever you want to update your install of raidRoleplay.


The overall simplicity of the model & system, along with the tweens. make it super fun and proffesional!

Kudos to you guys!


Super simple, and very useful.
Now we can easily make F3X games!
And kudos to you guys, we will give credit to you as well :smile:

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This is great although people can bypass the Part Ownership and explorer by giving them self alot of F3X’s until one of them doesn’t have the Part Ownership and have an explorer.

I’ll look into this, and may push an update to deal with this. Are you using the latest version? (1.5.21), and with the latest F3X?

Yes im using the latest version.

I’ll look into the issue. I can see it happening, as I haven’t really tested in scenarios where lots of F3X can be given to the player.

Hey, Does this come with a map?

Wow, all this for free? Thanks, this looks really good and I am going to check it out now. :grinning:

Also, do I put the raidRoleplay updater in ServerScriptService?

Need help? Jst PM me nd i can help

sorry for the necropost, but i see a “Banned Players” button, how do I ban players?

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Banned Players is a part of the Votekick module. Players who are vote kicked will be listed in that menu, and admins can then unban those vote-kicked users.


Hi there! Is there a way to add an “admin building tools” into this system? It would be only available to a certain group rank and it would let the administrator delete anything from anyone!

That is already a feature. Please read and modify the Configuration modules inside of the main script itself, and inside of each individual module (if a configuration module exists).

As an example and for this particular case:

very nice! gonna add this to my own F3X game

Thanks! I did not see that earlier.

Can we customize the font of when you hover over somebody’s part? For example… “helvmm’s part”

Change the properties of the “OwnerUI” text in the PartOwnership module.

I may have overengineered these things (despite the downsides of how this version of the system works) in preparation for these things… :upside_down_face:

Is there a way to let people only select themselves and not others? I’ve tried using a lock script that locks people’s avatars, but then it means that you can’t select yourself.
