Rain Module + Plugin

I don’t know what I did wrong, but for some reason the rain won’t show, nothing no sound no texture, and its enabled and Preview

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Further support-esque replies with minimal effort put into them that don’t provide a clear .rbxl repro file will be ignored.

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Do you need like my entire game file or I am missing something?
Rainnotworking.rbxl (102.8 KB)

If so,
There is no rain any where, I don’t know what I did but it just doesn’t work.
I played with everything the angle, the transparency nothing.

There is no Rain script in this place anywhere.

I used the plugin on this place file and was able to see the rain pop up fine when toggling Enabled.

No issue here. If you still think there is an issue you need to give me a minimal file that reproduces the problem. For instructions read this: How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example - Help Center - Stack Overflow

I will NOT assist further unless you give me a clear, minimal, reproducible file that I can use to reproduce the issue on my machine.

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Its not enabling in any game I do, its not game related, I think my Roblox studios, fault, there is also some weird bugs with it. Let me try to reinstall roblox studio, and if doesn’t work I will try to find a way to replicate it for you.

I am not sure what to do, Nothing worked, and I can’t give you a way to replicate because I don’t know what does it, and I don’t even think its replicable.
It won’t input the script and I don’t know why, I tried a new game , I tried reinstalling the plugin many times, I completely reinstall Roblox studio twice, but it won’t input the script, Is there a way to check the error even though it won’t input the script.
And for some reason if I open the rain plugin and close it it won’t open up again

As a programmer, you know about this, right? It looks like something might be breaking, you should look here for any hints to help you fix what’s wrong, or share the output if it’s something you can’t fix yourself.

Yes? But did you read?
It won’t input the script for the plugin.
So how would I be able to check the output if the script won’t input into the game for me

So did you look at the Output like @PeZsmistic said? The Output doesn’t just have script errors but also plugin errors and permissions errors.

Can you go to File > Advanced > Manage Plugins, and ensure that the plugin has the correct permissions?


This plugin requires Script Injection to be allowed since it must insert the Rain script in order for the Rain to work.

If this is actually the issue, the Output window should also have a message about this after you try enabling the Rain. So please do as instructed next time!

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I have tried that it won’t work, It doesn’t mention anything about it.
btw I just got my friend to join my game and enabled this
Second check although the output does nothing, it appears that it was disabled for some reason
That fixed it

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Thanks! Really useful! I will be implementing it.

I cannot change the transparency of the rain in game despite having it set to 0.8 in the plugin and changing it in the module. The transparency is always at 0 for some reason. I tried removing the plugin and installing it again but the plugin saves my settings. Any ideas?

Please use the API of the Rain module on the client (not on the server).


Video Link: 2023-07-03 21-03-56
Btw, all the other settings like intensity and light emissions functions and change accordingly. It is just transparency that I really need to change and it is not working.

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If you want me to meaningfully help here, make it easy for me and provide a repro file with clear instructions to reproduce. Otherwise unfortunately, as I provide this project completely for free and have no obligation whatsoever to provide support, it won’t be worth the time for me to try help you out.

If you aren’t able to do that I recommend going to #help-and-feedback:scripting-support and trying to rubber-duck your way out of it there (I won’t have time for many back-and-forths).

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Great module! I seem to be having a small problem with it though. When I enter certain buildings, there will still be some rain that goes through the ceiling. Here is a video:

Is there any way to disable this, as this seems to be intentional? The module recognizes that the camera is in a building, I’m printing the value whenever it updates.

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Hi thanks for the amazing rain module+plugin! I really appreciate your time and effort into this tool. I found a work around to my problem where the rain transparency is not changing. I enabled the rain before all the other rain settings and that was able to change the transparency of the rain.

local Rain = require(script.Rain)

Rain:SetColor(Color3.fromRGB(script.Color.Value.x, script.Color.Value.y, script.Color.Value.z))

--The rest of the rain settings continue

Thank you for your rain module


This has been discussed many times in the thread, encourage reading up thoroughly. I will not answer this question another time.